View Full Version : Anxiety back

08-27-2013, 06:45 AM
Hi always suffered with anxiety since I was about 18 I'm 32 now never took pills for it either just coped on my own with it...not had it bad for about 6 months now all off a sudden it's back again bad this time I am stressed at the minute due to a split up with my ex and needing to move home , it's just getting me down again as I was doing so well :( wish it would just go forever has anyone ever had it then got rid off it for long periods?

08-27-2013, 06:53 AM
I have! I suffered for years with it and eventually it pretty much just faded away for the most part. I went a good year if not more with no issues from it at all, came off meds and everything and had no problems. Then a bunch of stuff started changing in my life all at once and it came back again. :(

08-27-2013, 08:41 AM
It's so annoying just wen u think its gone and might not come back it does.. Hate how it rules me sometimes I would sooner give birth than have this :(

08-27-2013, 08:59 AM
I agree it is horrible. I always think I am not suffering from it I am coping with it until it gets me bad again. At the moment I have a horrible piercing pain in my right arm that I've never had before. It came and went over a couple of days then today it's painful all day. It's really horrible. Never had this before, have u?x

08-27-2013, 09:03 AM
It's so annoying just wen u think its gone and might not come back it does.. Hate how it rules me sometimes I would sooner give birth than have this :(

What I have come to learn is that it will never go away. This is an "illness" we have. It's not curable but only manageable. And it will flare up in certain instances for the rest of our lives. We just have to continue to address and work on the management and coping skills, even in times when it seems to have disappeared. And while it won't ever be truly "gone" ... it doesn't mean that you will suffer from it forever. :)

08-27-2013, 09:05 AM
I agree it is horrible. I always think I am not suffering from it I am coping with it until it gets me bad again. At the moment I have a horrible piercing pain in my right arm that I've never had before. It came and went over a couple of days then today it's painful all day. It's really horrible. Never had this before, have u?x

This could really be a number of things rainbow! You could have slept on your arm funny, you could have twisted or strained something picking something up even. And really, like you've said it's come and gone and now it's constant and I would guess it is because you keep thinking about it. Anxiety is a terrible magic trick. It makes you feel things that aren't necessarily really there. I would just for now take a pain reliever and try not to exert that arm for a bit. See if that changes anything.

08-27-2013, 09:08 AM
Family problems caused to fire up. Problems like that are triggers. I hope u eventually calm down, when the stress is gone:) Good luck

08-27-2013, 02:08 PM
This could really be a number of things rainbow! You could have slept on your arm funny, you could have twisted or strained something picking something up even. And really, like you've said it's come and gone and now it's constant and I would guess it is because you keep thinking about it. Anxiety is a terrible magic trick. It makes you feel things that aren't necessarily really there. I would just for now take a pain reliever and try not to exert that arm for a bit. See if that changes anything.

Thanks for your comment x

08-27-2013, 02:22 PM
Thanks for your comment x

Welcome! :)

08-27-2013, 02:30 PM
I go through this as well... I have my first panic attack about 7 years ago and I didn't realize what it was at the time but I was going through life changes and realized it probably started the ball rolling. 2 years ago it hit again really hard, after I got married, moved out, etc.. I find life changes are extremely difficult for me to handle, so I am now trying to accept everything.. good and bad. Do things that you enjoy to help take your mind off the negative, and don't be hard on yourself! :)

08-27-2013, 02:54 PM
Gutted I'm gunna have it forever :( just hope my kids don't ever get it wen there older its awful.. I am fine wen my mind is on other things but I find the night time the worst sometimes .. I just seem to have a short fuse with every little thing these days and get stressed so so easy which I no is part off my anxiety .. Never had any symptoms with pains in my arms but I always feel out for my heart all the time sometimes it feels like its stopped lol my worst but is the headaches I get.. Feels like a bearing throbbing in my head which gets worse wen I'm having anxiety .. I actually only get anxious about getting anxious if u get me nowt really I can think why I get it in the first place

08-27-2013, 07:36 PM
I go through this as well... I have my first panic attack about 7 years ago and I didn't realize what it was at the time but I was going through life changes and realized it probably started the ball rolling. 2 years ago it hit again really hard, after I got married, moved out, etc.. I find life changes are extremely difficult for me to handle, so I am now trying to accept everything.. good and bad. Do things that you enjoy to help take your mind off the negative, and don't be hard on yourself! :)
That's the way :)