View Full Version : Anyone awake?

08-27-2013, 03:16 AM
I just got a sudden rush of lightheadedness, like really bad lightheadedness that lasted for a second or two. I'm in full panic mode. As I always feel lightheaded and weak. But this was bad! I then got pressure in my head. Which is gone now. But it was in the front twards my eyes and my forehead. I'm so scared I could go to the ER again. Please help.

08-27-2013, 07:42 AM
I just got a sudden rush of lightheadedness, like really bad lightheadedness that lasted for a second or two. I'm in full panic mode. As I always feel lightheaded and weak. But this was bad! I then got pressure in my head. Which is gone now. But it was in the front twards my eyes and my forehead. I'm so scared I could go to the ER again. Please help.

Pressure in the front of my head is when I know that I'm going to have a panic attack. I can have been having the greatest day, and then I feel that pressure...before you know it I'm having a full blown panic attack and feeling terrible.

You would think after all the times that it has happened that I would be able to have some sort of control and deal with it in a more appropriate manner but I haven't yet.

Each time I've been to the ER with panic symptoms (this was before I was diagnosed with having anxiety and I didn't fully understand, not that I do now either, what was happening to me) by the time I got seen by someone it had all abated and I felt drained and exhausted but otherwise fine.

I completely understand the way you feel, and hope you start to feel less panicked soon. :-)

08-27-2013, 08:01 AM
I just got a sudden rush of lightheadedness, like really bad lightheadedness that lasted for a second or two. I'm in full panic mode. As I always feel lightheaded and weak. But this was bad! I then got pressure in my head. Which is gone now. But it was in the front twards my eyes and my forehead. I'm so scared I could go to the ER again. Please help.

Norm that's stress type headache ... How ru now ?