View Full Version : Sleep well but wake up in a funk

08-27-2013, 02:55 AM
My latest issue with my anxiety is waking up feeling totally blah.. It's frustrating because it starts my day off horrible. I only take .25 mg of Xanax as needed and try to only take it as a last resort so if the night before I'm fine I don't take it. As I've mentioned before my doctor linked my a anxiety mostly to my period. Called its something which was basically really bad PMS which started in my early 30's (I'm 35). Well it's a week before my cycle and here we go. Death and illness is my fear and rules my life and consumes my brain 87% of the day. It's so frustrating. I haven't been here in a while because when i was at my worst I came here and was able to finally understand myself more and I didn't feel alone... But things trigger it for instance I was fine till I went to the doctor and found out I had something minor wrong and now I've diagnosed myself with so many other major things (most making no sense) sigh... So here we go again. I'm at a low point again and need to be dug out.. I get sad when I smile or laugh because it reminds me that I need to worry not be happy... Simple solution would be to go to the doctor and get a complete check up so I can put myself at ease and smile again but I can't imagine something being wrong omg I would loose it so there for I'm too scared..... Ugh

08-27-2013, 08:56 AM
Hey same here. I always wake up exhausted and in an angry mood, mostly because I'm still tired I think. I've also diagnosed myself with numerous diseases haha, but once I relax with whatever symptom I'm having at the time it usually goes away :)

08-27-2013, 08:59 AM
Also I've been prescribed lorazepam .5 mg and hardly ever take it. I usually take .25 mg which does nothing but the full .5 mg make me loopy and out of it so I'm at a loss.