View Full Version : Help, what to dooo?

08-27-2013, 01:49 AM
What to do when you already feel anxious after waking up. I just woke up and I'm tired, light headed, nervous, a little bit nauseous... What to do when you already feel like this isn't going to be a good day foor you, anxiety-wise.

Some tips please, it's been a while since I experienced it like this.

08-27-2013, 02:15 AM
I walk around or talk to someone to distract myself

08-27-2013, 02:24 AM
I walk around or talk to someone to distract myself

Thank you, I'm going to try that

08-27-2013, 02:27 AM
Yeah. I usually go outside and walk around and talk to someone on the phone because I'm usually home alone. So I try anything to distract myself

08-27-2013, 02:37 AM
Yeah. I usually go outside and walk around and talk to someone on the phone because I'm usually home alone. So I try anything to distract myself

Yes.. I think I'm going to just bike around. I don't like walking that much, so I'll go outside with my bike haha. Hope it helps! Thanks again.

08-27-2013, 02:46 AM
That's good! It's good to be mobile when you're in a panic state. I do it while I'm lightheaded or feeling like weak because it gets my heart pumping and it makes me start to feel better. I'm lightheaded and weak most all day everyday and feel like my head is heavy

08-27-2013, 12:03 PM
Having 2 dogs I need to get them out first thing. It helps. I put in the earbuds and just walk. Try to get out and distract yourself. Notice the surroundings, the people, smell the smells. Anything to get your brain off yourself :-)

08-27-2013, 02:14 PM
I like to get online...Youtube especially and find calming audios to listen to. I'm currently doing that now. :)
I woke up feeling the same way...like today is going to be awful, but now I feel like I'm getting over it.
Just search "calming audio for panic attacks". The calming voices help, but I don't actually listen to what they are saying. Its just the calming tone.
Also I like to take a hot bath or hot shower and focus on the way that the water feels on my skin.
Reading books also helps too!