View Full Version : Is anyone on on-line?

08-26-2013, 10:21 PM

Is any-one on line? Feeling really panicky, and low.


08-26-2013, 10:26 PM
Need help?

08-27-2013, 05:41 AM
Need help?


Thank you for replying, just trying to get my head straight.

Not sleeping - panic - axiety - not sleeping ( you know how it goes )

I cannot get the negative thoughts out of my head, even when I sleep well.

I will handle the lack of sleep - but the negative thoughts are awful.

Going out for a walk, trying to do something positive ( but it's hard )

Kind regards,

08-27-2013, 09:28 AM
Pauline is there a place that u can relax? I think u need something like meds to calm u down then U will have completely different view of situation. Did u consider to go to doctor?

08-27-2013, 01:28 PM
Pauline is there a place that u can relax? I think u need something like meds to calm u down then U will have completely different view of situation. Did u consider to go to doctor?

Hi Dahila,

Thank you for your reply. When out this afternoon - food shopping and a small walk. Came back and fell asleep! I was so pleased.

Been to see the doctor nothing medically wrong. He prescribed me some sleeping tablets. I took them 3 times over 12 days ( but they made me feel really bad. ) I slept. But felt horrible the next day, so I flushed them down the toilet. I don't feel depressed normally, just when I am not sleeping well.

I hope to see a therapist towards the end of September. I have struggled in how to cope with lack of sleep for nearly 30 yrs ( I would like to point out, it is not all the time ) But when it is bad, it is awful.

Like I have said I will cope with the lack of sleep - I just don't want to be thinking about it all of the time. Because it upsets me so much.

If anyone could offer any tips herbal / or relaxation techniques I would appreciate it.

Thanks for listening.

Kind regards,

08-27-2013, 07:48 PM
Lemon balm tea is excellent before night. A cup of white tea but do not use sugar with it, if u must use honey. Think about the happiest moment in your life, when you felt complete. For me it was when I went first time to the sea and seen the sunset and sunrise. It is my shelter when I feel very bad, I close my eyes and try to recall the moment...

08-28-2013, 09:22 AM
Lemon balm tea is excellent before night. A cup of white tea but do not use sugar with it, if u must use honey. Think about the happiest moment in your life, when you felt complete. For me it was when I went first time to the sea and seen the sunset and sunrise. It is my shelter when I feel very bad, I close my eyes and try to recall the moment...

Hi, I have got some herbal tablets for anxiety to-day. Also bought some lavender essential oil. Also I have done as you suggested I have got some Lemon balm tea.

I have also been thinking about the happiest moment/or feeling complete as you suggested. It has to be the research in regard of my family history, mand what I know about them. so when things get tough - I will think of my ancestors.

Thank you for your kind words, it really does help.

Kind regards,

08-28-2013, 11:14 AM
If u are interested I can link u (if it let me) to lemon balm extract made at home so easy to make. I am going to make it tomorrow. I am growing it in my garden. http://livininthegreen.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/making-double-lemon-balm-tincture.html, it is convenient to use. Sometimes I do not feel like drinking the tea. Pauline be careful with Essential oils, to use lavender oil anywhere on your body, you will need the carrier oil. grape seed oil is the least greasy and absorbs well. I add lavender to DIY cosmetics I make:) The smell of it is calming :)

08-28-2013, 12:36 PM

Don't worry I know that you need to use grape seed oil if you use it in on your body. I will have a look at the link it sounds good.

You sound like your well into herbal remedies. What cosmetics do you make with the lavender oil? It sounds really interesting.

Kind regards,

08-28-2013, 09:49 PM
So far deodorant with lavender. Anti aging face cream with Grape-seed oil, mango butter, sea buck-thorn oil, and vitamin E. Water based; green tea, aloe vera gel, and witch hazel. I added lemon grass EO it smells heavenly. I made also the body butter, containing Shea butter, mango butter, coconut oil, aloe Vera juice, and jojoba oil Vitamin E and a bit of orange EO. Works wonders on skin. Hand cream with orange Eo and grapeseed oil, vitamin E which make the shelf life longer. I add to everything pure beeswax, then mix it with the blander stick. So far I love everything. I made the face wash and make up remover. If u are interested I can link u to really good sites. I used for a few days Estee Laurden Advanced Night Repair, and I got first breakouts in the last twenty years. No more super expensive cosmetics for me. Just home made. I am very much into natural skin care. I am trying to limit chemicals I use in the house. Next is HE laundry detergent:))

08-31-2013, 04:54 AM

Is any-one on line? Feeling really panicky, and low.


I'm online. Just saw this. How are you

09-04-2013, 01:52 AM
I'm online. Just saw this. How are you

Hi Maranka1,

I hope your well also.

Sorry I have only just replied, I have not checked my messages for a few days. I have been so tired. But I am feeling a lot more positive now.

I am only just realizing that I allow myself to give in too easily, and just feel sorry for myself all of the time.

So I am trying to feel more positive and try and relax a bit. There are people who have to deal with a lot worse things.

Kind regards,