View Full Version : Scared of relationships

11-07-2007, 02:11 PM
I've had many chances to get a girlfriend..I know of a couple girls that would date me if I asked or showed more interest in getting in a relationship. But I'm afraid. Idk if it is anxiety or just fear in general. I missed my chance with one girl who I liked, but now it seems she doesn't want to date that guy so who knows. I hate being alone, yet I don't try to get a girlfriend.

I've had relationships in the past..which might be the cause of me being so cautious with who I let in. I loved her so much..but she cheated. I was devastated..It screwed up my social life, my grades in school, and my mind. (Not anxiety wise) I see things in a more negative view now. I think everyone will hurt me, and they do usually..My guess on how they are is right for the most part..Like that girl getting a bf. Me and her were going on dates for like 2 months, then she meets some kid one day and they go out..wtf. I guess she got sick of waiting..but before that, I waited around for months with her showing no interest at all..I guess I should've stopped caring a long time ago.

A similar thing happened to me back in like March, but it was an online relationship. I was talking to this girl for like 6 months..Thought she really liked me, then she got a bf..and I was just like, "Wtf?..." The weird thing is, both these girls started dating guys named Steve..Which I found to be weird.

11-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Don't look at it like you have to be in a relationship. Just find a girl and hang out with her. You don't have to be serious at first.

11-08-2007, 12:23 AM
Yeah...I tried that. didn't work. Who knows. Might just have been the girl