View Full Version : new and struggling

08-26-2013, 04:08 PM
Hi, Im new here so sorry if posting in wrong place.

Ive been dealing with anxiety on and off for 12 years now and just recently its come back to bite me.

I have a major problem with nausea and vomiting they are my main symptoms amounst hot sweats etc etc and when the attacks are happening its impossible to think of anything else without removing myself from the situation. This causes me to have a fear of eating in public places.

What im finding mega hard to deal with atm is going into work/places i cannot get out of easily. I work in retail and the thought of being "trapped" somewhere for a day kills me. I wondered if anyone felt the same? Also trying to hide my symptoms from my colleagues/friends is getting really difficult and im kinda blaming it on stomach problems. I just dont know how long i can go on like this for. I'm going to go back to GP but i guess you guys know how it feels and can help me better

thanks for reading

08-26-2013, 04:12 PM
Yeah that's common and a part of many of those with anxiety. Work with your doc on this and he what he advises. Try not to connect anxiety and where you feel it. I know this is easier said than done but try to stay where you are and keep busy/breath normally to help it pass. Alankay