View Full Version : 24/7 Tremors

08-26-2013, 02:58 PM
Hello. Im a 24 year old male who has suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since I was in elementary school. I've noticed I have tremors in my fingers 24/7 everyday . Its not real bad but it's noticeable to me . I've had the tremors at least since I was a teen. I also have some minor tremor in my neck . I'm a hypochondriac so Ive been worrying that I have essential tremor or something worse . Some days it's not that bad, some days I just wake up shaky. It's increased by nervousness , when I'm ill, and especially if I'm angry , my neck will shake bad. I plan on going to a neurologist when I have the money . My question is does anyone else have this problem ? Can anxiety over years cause a non stop trembling in a person . The only time I don't notice it is when I am at rest . No one else really notices it but me yet. If I knew it wouldn't get any worse I probably wouldn't worry so much . I just don't want to be 30 - 40 something and shaking like a leaf

08-26-2013, 03:11 PM
Hello there :) I have had this in my hands yes so i know how you feel,it a pain in the backside and is really annoying

08-26-2013, 03:17 PM
Without stop ? The tremor I mean

08-26-2013, 03:18 PM
And hello :)

08-26-2013, 03:31 PM
Yes they was bad for me,but I have to say I think it's anxiety as when I had a bad patch of anxiety and I mean I was bad for two weeks they was non stop but now they have gone,I'm on meds to
So I think they may help but with anxiety I do thing a good mind set helps a lot towards what happens to our body's

08-26-2013, 03:34 PM
I'm afraid mine is essential tremor because both my parents have had shaky hands, though both have had anxiety issues too. To be fair I get little to no exercise , and don't eat right

08-26-2013, 03:51 PM
I'm afraid mine is essential tremor because both my parents have had shaky hands, though both have had anxiety issues too. To be fair I get little to no exercise , and don't eat right

Can't the doctor give you something to ease it up as I'm sure there's meds out there to help with this?oh believe me I know I'm the same worn exercise and eating rubbish lol

08-27-2013, 07:05 PM
I plan on going to the neurologist soon when I can afford it