View Full Version : Frustrating trying to help

08-26-2013, 02:17 PM
One very frustrating thing I've noticed on this forum. Many times when someone poses a question and you try to help them, some negative Nancy comes along with a post and tries to refute everything you've shared...whether it be sharing about your own experience with certain medications, techniques for overcoming panic attacks, etc. Look, I understand, as I think most people understand, that what works for some may not work for others. However, I was under the assumption that this was essentially an online support group where people could not only share what's ailing them, but also find some possibly helpful information. If someone posts something that didn't work for you, that's fine and well. But why shoot down everything other people share who are trying to help? Don't you think that might add to another person's anxiety and leave them feeling like they have limited options? Because that's just not the truth. I daresay most of us aren't physicians. We're just people who've dealt with a lot of shit trying to help other people dealing with a lot of shit. Nothing posted on here is a substitute for seeking medical or professional help. But at least you can find things to ask your doctor or therapist about. Something suggested here might actually put you back on the path to recovery. Isn't that the point? I sometimes get the feeling that there are a few who've wallowed in misery so long that they enjoy having lots of company. So, I guess there might be some truth to the old saying that misery loves company. If you're only here to scare everyone away from seeking ways to heal, maybe you should find another forum for bitter, like-minded people. For everyone else? I hope this site helps you not only cope, but offers up some good advice for healing. Peace and happiness to you all.

08-26-2013, 02:23 PM
One very frustrating thing I've noticed on this forum. Many times when someone poses a question and you try to help them, some negative Nancy comes along with a post and tries to refute everything you've shared...whether it be sharing about your own experience with certain medications, techniques for overcoming panic attacks, etc. Look, I understand, as I think most people understand, that what works for some may not work for others. However, I was under the assumption that this was essentially an online support group where people could not only share what's ailing them, but also find some possibly helpful information. If someone posts something that didn't work for you, that's fine and well. But why shoot down everything other people share who are trying to help? Don't you think that might add to another person's anxiety and leave them feeling like they have limited options? Because that's just not the truth. I daresay most of us aren't physicians. We're just people who've dealt with a lot of shit trying to help other people dealing with a lot of shit. Nothing posted on here is a substitute for seeking medical or professional help. But at least you can find things to ask your doctor or therapist about. Something suggested here might actually put you back on the path to recovery. Isn't that the point? I sometimes get the feeling that there are a few who've wallowed in misery so long that they enjoy having lots of company. So, I guess there might be some truth to the old saying that misery loves company. If you're only here to scare everyone away from seeking ways to heal, maybe you should find another forum for bitter, like-minded people. For everyone else? I hope this site helps you not only cope, but offers up some good advice for healing. Peace and happiness to you all.

I couldn't have said this better myself, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've also noticed there are some people that post threads seeking advice and suggestions and get a ton of them, but seem to have reason after reason why none of them are going to help. I understand what it is like to feel that way because sometimes it really does seem like nothing is ever going to change...but you really do have to give it a chance. It's a process. It's unlikely that it is going to happen overnight. I've found so much solace in this forum and I come here not only to continue to find support and encouragement for myself, but hopefully to also provide support and encouragement to others. It can get really discouraging when so many people are struggling to overcome whatever they are going through and keep running head on into people that don't seem to actually want to overcome it.