View Full Version : Just got back from the docs, Did i get the right medicine? Safe to take?

08-26-2013, 11:09 AM
Just got back from the docs. I was panicking like hell but made it through it, Dizzy, nausea, heavy legs the entire time.

My doctor said my bp was a little high, but not bad (i asked if it was because i was panicking and she said most likely)

She gave me Zoloft (50mg) and Propranolol 10mg(x2 daily)

I read online somewhere where zoloft and Propranolol should not be taken together? Should I be taken Propranolol at all? What if I dont have high BP? Anyone else on the same two medicines? Do they help?

08-26-2013, 12:30 PM
I would not take the propranolol. The reason your blood pressure was high was because you were anxious. Once the Zoloft kicks in you shouldn't have problems with your blood pressure. The propranolol in combo with the Zoloft will probably leave you feeling extremely tired. However if this is your first time starting an antidepressant you might want want to ask the dr for a small dose of a benzodiazepine to help through the first couple weeks of the Zoloft. Medical drs are so quick to treat everything with meds instead if getting to the root. My md tried to put me on a beta blocker as well when she should've givens something for my anxiety! I'm no dr but I am an RN and I have been dealing with anxiety for 12 years now. Good luck!

08-26-2013, 02:13 PM
I would not take the propranolol. The reason your blood pressure was high was because you were anxious. Once the Zoloft kicks in you shouldn't have problems with your blood pressure. The propranolol in combo with the Zoloft will probably leave you feeling extremely tired. However if this is your first time starting an antidepressant you might want want to ask the dr for a small dose of a benzodiazepine to help through the first couple weeks of the Zoloft. Medical drs are so quick to treat everything with meds instead if getting to the root. My md tried to put me on a beta blocker as well when she should've givens something for my anxiety! I'm no dr but I am an RN and I have been dealing with anxiety for 12 years now. Good luck!

I just called the doc. They said my bp was 156/97. I was shaking bad up there. She said to take the zoloft after dinner and the propranlol 1 in the am one at night? Is that going to create a problem to try it? Would i wind up with severe low BP? I'm scared right now ;.....

08-26-2013, 02:45 PM
Calm down. Just call your pharmacist or go to any local pharmacy, explain your questions/fears and they will tell you whether it's safe. It's always a good idea to get the pharmacist's advice. They will be more than glad to help you. Their database is set up to flag any possible drug interactions. Plus, it will help ease your mind. Hope you feel better soon.

08-26-2013, 02:48 PM
Pharmacists are more highly skilled and knowledgable about medications than most physicians. If they say it's safe, then try one and monitor your blood pressure. If you feel ok and your BP is within a normal range, then you should be fine.

08-26-2013, 02:54 PM
Pharmacists are more highly skilled and knowledgable about medications than most physicians. If they say it's safe, then try one and monitor your blood pressure. If you feel ok and your BP is within a normal range, then you should be fine.

Has anyone here taken BOTH at the same time? Any good / bad feedback?

08-26-2013, 03:06 PM
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Are you overweight? If so then you probably have done degree if hypertension and it wouldn't be the worst thing to take both together especially if it's a low dose of propanolol. Maybe just take it once a day and see how you feel. Do you have a blood pressure cuff? You can always go to a local rite aid or drugstore and check your bp if you don't. If it's too low (less than 100 systolic and less than 60 diastolic) then tell your dr.

08-26-2013, 03:11 PM
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Are you overweight? If so then you probably have done degree if hypertension and it wouldn't be the worst thing to take both together especially if it's a low dose of propanolol. Maybe just take it once a day and see how you feel. Do you have a blood pressure cuff? You can always go to a local rite aid or drugstore and check your bp if you don't. If it's too low (less than 100 systolic and less than 60 diastolic) then tell your dr.

28, im actually underweight (136) I'm 5'11 I do smoke, and have agoraphobia, i went to the docs bc i started having attacks at home which ever happened. Bad ones, like 24/7 anxiety. I think it's due to stress or whatever. I cant sit still at all. I just don't want to take BP meds if i dont need it but my mom/dad/brother do have high BP, I dont have a cuff, will get one, too shaky to goto the pharmacy to check haha. I'd prob be better checking at home. I'm just worried :((((((

08-26-2013, 03:18 PM
I think your constant state of worry is making your body produce too much adrenaline which is in turn raising your bp. They didn't give you something to calm you like a benzo? Are you having a headache?

08-26-2013, 03:24 PM
I think your constant state of worry is making your body produce too much adrenaline which is in turn raising your bp. They didn't give you something to calm you like a benzo? Are you having a headache?

Yeah i don't know why they didn't i've never taken a benzo but everything says they help until you get used to zoloft :( I have a horrible headache at the minute when i first got home from the docs. Do you think i should give the doc the benefit of the doubt? My wife goes to the same doc office, different doctor, she has mild anxiety. She manages hers well without anything but they gave her prozac and klonopin lol. I go in there shaking, hyperventilating, pale, dizzy, and get bp medicine lol

08-26-2013, 03:32 PM
Ask your dr if you could try a half of her klonopin . I know from personal experience they work great and have a long half life so you don't need a lot, it stays with you for awhile. I'm sure that alone would lower your bp. The headache is from your pressure being up so you wanna get that under control. But don't suffer now. It's not worth it take it from me. Trust the dr and if you feel worse go to the ER.