View Full Version : One fear fades then another takes its place

08-26-2013, 11:06 AM
For the past two years I have been terrified of anything heart related. Now that that fear is starting to subside a little bit I have latched on to a new one. The fear of having a weird allergic reaction to random food, bees, ect. As far as I know I am not allergic to anything but my mind is convinced that I am going to have some kind of deadly reaction. This morning my friend was having a piece of peanut butter toast and I noticed a little while later I had a small hive on my lip. I want to nip this fear quickly but I don't know what to do :(

08-26-2013, 11:09 AM
Wow, weird, I've been going through this exact thing myself lately. I've never really had any food allergies at all but suddenly every time I eat I start to worry about having an allergic reaction, even when it's something I eat all the time. Mostly though, it's at a restaurant or other place where I don't know what might be in the food or have been used to cook the food...I suddenly have an overwhelming fear that my throat is going to start closing up any second. I already have trouble sometimes with feeling like my throat is tight or I'm having a hard time swallowing, so of course then I'm hyper aware of it.

08-26-2013, 11:13 AM
It crazy, I don't know where the fear came from. I guess it all goes back to the fear of death which is the main thing that motivates most of us here. I hope you and I can combat this new fear. Good luck

08-26-2013, 02:52 PM
Hi ive had one fear after another for the last 2 years and sometimes i just cant cope i just want to curl up and wake up when everything has gone away. I will go to the doctors and worry about tests and doctors and the outcome. Then when im ok, its like the whole process starts again. Its just constant worry time after time. In turn i get headaches, pains in my chest, trouble sleeping and feeling sick etc. I dont know why this happens and i cant stop it either. I just hate it i want to be normal again. Take care.