View Full Version : Something Scary

08-26-2013, 09:55 AM
So I have been doing overall well and only having mild anxiety for a while now. Until something that shook me up quite a bit happened at work.

I was walking down an Isle at the dept. store I work and someone shouted call 911 so I ran to see what was going on. I saw a co-worker on the ground having a seizure with blood coming from his head. I ran to get to a phone and called 911. He turned out to be epileptic but the experience still kind of shook me. He even went back to work the next day but still. I hope I dont have PTSD and I dont get too freaked out about it but I am starting to feel a little depressed again. Any thoughts?


08-26-2013, 12:04 PM
I would say it is normal reaction, when you see something like that. About 40 years ago I witnessed the same situation, only difference was that it was a child, maybe 7 years old boy. It was awful and I will not forget it as long as I live. :(

08-26-2013, 12:50 PM
Yea, it was scary and now I have been feeling depressed lately. I just want to get better but this kinda screwed things up a bit

08-26-2013, 07:35 PM
Try to focus on the good side of the story. U called 911 for help. they helped him. I was on a month placement in the epilepsy department in Huge hospital. It was tough, but I did read some of the transcripts and there is a lot of help for epilepsy now. Next time u see something like that is going to be easier. Marlow u must be very sensitive to people pain, most of people here are like u. It is probably only place that I am not scared to post. :)