View Full Version : What is in this tonic that makes me OK, but feel horrible when off?

08-26-2013, 09:23 AM
Hi guys,

I've suffered anxiety issues since I was a kid but ever since being introduced to this probiotic blend that consists of turmeric, ginger, hibiscus, oceanic minerals and organic honey, I've been really fine. My anxieties have tempered, I am able to sleep soundly, and for the most part things are alright.

But when I run out of the stuff and the guy at the farmers market is not there to sell me some more, I tend to see those things re-emerge and reak havoc on me. I ran out of the stuff yesterday and last night I kept waking up every two hours, had to get a glass of water to drink each time due to dry mouth and had to calm myself down from feelings of anxiety. As of now I feel OK, but there is a strange disconnect I sense.

Anyone know how people with anxiety interact with the spice Turmeric? It's a concentrated tonic of the stuff along with some ginger and hibiscus root. If so, I need to know so I can figure out just what the heck I need to do about this.


08-26-2013, 11:21 AM
Anyone? Does anyone know of the interations between turmeric and anxiety?

08-26-2013, 12:19 PM
Sorry I don't know about the connection between turmeric and anxiety but I am interested to hear more about this tonic that you take and where you get it. It sounds very interesting. Is it made by your guy at the Farmers Market? Or can you order it online somewhere? I hope you're able to get some more soon.

In the meantime, can you try any other natural remedies to tide you over? Passion Flower can help. And some people like Bach's Rescue Remedy.

08-26-2013, 01:38 PM
Yes, it's made by a local guy here at a farmers market in Los Angeles. It's well formulated batch of concentraited turmeric, ginger and hibiscus. He adds some oceanic minerals and sweetens it with organic honey. The product is called The Golden Triangle and is sold online at Agro Industries. The stuff works wonders!

But he's been a bit behind on his supplies and sometimes doesn't show up to the farmers markets because he is under-staffed. So I have to wait weeks for him when I go through a bottle in a week easily. It has helped me in so many ways its unimaginable to be without it. I am doing fine and subsisting off of a probiotic blend capsules and high doses of fish oil but other than that I am going to get some of that tonic the minute he has a new batch. Coupled with some green tea and I've never had a major anxiety problem altogether.

It's not that it magically makes the anxiety go away. It's that it helps me control it and manage through it. I can think clearer and am able to stop the anxious rapid thoughts. Probiotics help me out with this too but nothing quite like this tonic blend. He also labels it a probiotic blend so I am guessing the anxiety is really in my stomach.??