View Full Version : Test Anxiety

08-26-2013, 06:35 AM
Hi everyone out there,
I’m new to this and don’t really know how to start so I just will... recently I completed all phases of the police recruitment process and was on the list waiting to get in I worked my ass off to get here and was so happy and proud of myself when I did however unfortunately I received an email the other week stating that I am required to complete the fitness component of the process again as it has been 6 months since I last did it only then will I receive my official start date.. the test isn’t really that hard and it’s something I have done twice before (so I know I can do it) but ever since I received this email I have been in the grip of an unexplainable anxiety attack... I have had very little sleep as I’m always thinking about the test I’ve been constantly feeling nauseated and haven’t been able to eat as a result I’ve lost 5kg.... I still train and do so as hard as I can but no matter what I do I can’t seem to shake this feeling.
It would be greatly appreciated if you guys could share any thoughts u had on the matter and maybe even some ideas to deal with the problem.

Regards John53

08-26-2013, 07:19 AM
I always feel this way before something's going to happen. I realise now that once I get to that place and there's people around to talk to I feel much better. it's just the before hand feeling.

08-26-2013, 07:31 AM
John, this is probably good old Anticipatory Anxiety. Many of us do this to ourselves by imagining the worst scenarios or imagining we'll feel worse that we ever do. Use the anxiety to motivate yourself(that's what it is for but is lower for most folks) and have faith you'll be OK. For now skip caffeine, alcohol and minimize refined sugar as well. Try some protein shakes that have calories so you keep healthy weight on for now. Alankay

08-26-2013, 10:15 PM
Hey alankay,

Thanks heaps for your comments its helped me focus a bit more will definitely give the protein shakes a go...

regards john53