View Full Version : Sporatic Fatal Insomnia

08-26-2013, 05:43 AM
Somebody talk me down. I haven't slept in three days.I saw a documentary about SFI years ago and thats the only thing on my mind right now. If I start to drift off, I wake right back up. I was in such a state last night I ended up in the er. They gave me 50 ml of Vistaril which didn't do a thing. I'm totally freaked out, been having many panic attacks during the day. Has anyone else had this? I was fine until three days ago. I had too much to drink and fell asleep only to wake up about two hours later. Haven't slept since. My mind is racing

be u old self
08-26-2013, 05:55 AM
Hi u be oki u need,to not think about anything els think about at what u doing now

08-26-2013, 06:10 AM
I can't ever sleep either!! I've been feeling so sick lately. Really bad. I feel sick now. I feel really weak and numb. I was in ER for 5 hours today they said everything was fine but am getting an MRI in a few days. I keep feeling like ill die any hour. Any day now. For the past 11 months and it sucks so bad!!! I've had countless blood tests. All come back normal. Even the ones that test for tumors and cancer. My eye exams come back normal. I still feel like there's so much liquid in my head and I feel so lightheaded and weak like 24/7 and my vision has been getting worse each day lately. No explanation yet!!):

be u old self
08-26-2013, 06:28 AM
Have you checked you ears because u can get dizzy if they are iff blance and get anxity.to

08-26-2013, 06:31 AM
My doctor looked at them with a stethoscope and didn't see a problem

be u old self
08-26-2013, 06:35 AM
What I been readind is and what helped and made me not to think aboutanxity and not feel scared is zinc and magnsuim I take before I go to sleep andit helps me sleep to don't make u dizzy or like freaking out