View Full Version : Pins & Needles

08-26-2013, 05:41 AM
Hello All,

Just a quick question. I have this constant pins & needles feeling, sort of a buzzing feeling, in my face / head area all day 24/7 and was wondering if anyone here has ever experienced this.

Can't get rid of it!!

08-26-2013, 07:20 AM
I do in my fingers :(


08-26-2013, 02:58 PM
Hi ive had pins/needles in my lips and up one side of my face just under my eye. My face also felt hot and the skin felt tight. I also had a fuzzy head feeling dizzy with funny noises in my ears. Well it turned out it was Migraines, there are different types of migraines.

I had a headache for 12 weeks for everyday all day, it was just uncontrollable and no matter what i did it would go. I was just told to relax!

Take care