View Full Version : Anxiety and hearing.

08-26-2013, 01:43 AM
I've suffered from anxiety for many years, mostly I am able to rationalise my thoughts/symptoms and then it stops being a problem. A few weeks ago I had a miscarriage which was a really horrible experience, I ended up in hospital and had to have surgery. Since the miscarriage I've had the most terrible anxiety, one night when I was driving home last week all of a sudden everything became too loud like someone had turned the volume up. I got home and it was still the same but then managed to calm myself down and it returned to normal. I've had a few more experiences where sounds have appeared too loud, yesterday when I went to the supermarket it happened again everything was just too loud and today for most of the day I've been really sensitive to sound. I'm just wondering if this is an anxiety related symptom and has anyone ever experienced this before. Comments much appreciated.