View Full Version : Im losing my rational

08-25-2013, 08:58 PM
Had someone post a terrible thing on my support group for pots. It got me all wound up.

Now my head is spinning, and making me question my doctors.

I was told me spitting blood was from acid reflux. Well, eve. On my meds it's not going away. HOWEVER, the only time I spit it up is when I'm aggressively gagging while brushing my teeth. No other time. I've had a constant dry cough for about a week. It makes me wonder and worry that my docs are missing something. That it's lung or stomach cancer. I just won't allow myself to google. But the worry is still there. My docs won't do anything for me right now.

So how do I deal with it? I've also got this narly rash on my breastbone stretching under my right breast. Could it be related?

Could any of this be due to pregnancy? I hate feeling like my life is over. I want to enjoy my baby!

08-25-2013, 09:10 PM
Your gums bleed during pregnancy, could this be brushing then perhaps a little blood from your gums you swallow a bit then when you spit it's in your spit? Rashes also happen during pregnancy a lot.

08-25-2013, 09:49 PM
Definitely not from gums. I'm trying to keep my head straight and not jump to

08-26-2013, 12:30 PM
Bump. It might be gross but I'm worried. I've been taking prilosec for 5 days. Still getting blood. The amount in the picture should be doubled cause some went down the drain. It only happens when I brush my teeth, but I am 100% positive it is not from my gums. My mother in law says she doesn't believe I have lung cancer. I'm 30 and have never smoked. I'm trying not to stress and worry, but I'm not doing a great job of it. Please help!!!!


08-27-2013, 06:45 PM
If you're gagging so much when youre brushing and coughing due to that...it could be blood from tiny tears in your throat. This has happened to me before. My gums bleed often, but if you know 100% that could not in any way be the case, then excess coughing can cause tiny tears which bleed.

I had something similar though not too similar. I had an eating disorder...bulemia and when I would throw up I would see blood. Also when I would spit in the sink afterwards I would see blood. Just a little bit, but enough to make me worry. I went to the doctor who told me that it was small tears in my throat due to throwing up. The same can be said for coughing...it irritates your throat.
I would check with your doctor because if thats happening there could be something they can do for you. It'll also give you peace of mind that you don't have lung or stomach cancer. Don't worry. :)
Saying dont worry is tough, but check with your doctor and don't let them dismiss your concerns even if they feel they are silly.