View Full Version : Need help now, desperate

08-25-2013, 08:09 PM
I've had GAD and panic since I was 7 yrs old. Health anxiety is huge for me. The past few days have been unbearable. I haven't slept for the past two nights and now I'm afraid of dying from lack of sleep. The days are horrible. I'm in a state of high anxiety at all times. Fast heart rate, cold sweats, restlessness,muscle and joint pain. You name it. But now the fear I'm dealing with over being unable to sleep is taking me beyond my limit. Anyone out there gone through this?
I absolutely dread night time now. I'm so scared

08-25-2013, 10:33 PM
Have you thought about going to the er? Tgey could give you a sedative and monitor you. Maybe that would calm your fears.

08-25-2013, 10:56 PM
Go to doctor and hopefully she can tack u over with some benzos and get in touch with psychiatrist. Family doctors have no idea how to treat GAD , good luck

08-25-2013, 11:10 PM
I obsess about not being able to sleep! I do take Xanax as needed. It goes in waves...anxiety won't be bad for a while then it's back. Definitely helps me knowing I have the option to take it if I really need it. That can be reassurance enough just knowing it's there...

08-27-2013, 07:01 PM
Part of me wants to suggest not going to the ER. It will just make you feel like something really is wrong because there are so many people rushing around all the time.
I went and I felt worse afterwards.

I had a bad reaction to allergy medications about a year and a half ago which started my panic disorder. I'm absolutely terrified of taking any medications even if they are prescribed. I'd love to be able to be prescribed something to calm my anxiety and help with the chemical imbalance in my brain, but I'm too afraid of medicine to do it. Its getting to the point where I cant hold myself together much longer though and I'll need to.

I'd say if you're able to tolerate taking medications without fear...you should try something over the counter first to see if it works. If that doesnt help then you should speak with your doctor about a prescription sleeping medication. I'd be careful though and let people know you're on it. They prescribed me one and it turned me into a complete jerk for the duration that I took it. The name of it was Ambien. Stay away from that stuff. It made me forget how I acted and didn't help me sleep too well. I almost made my husband divorce me over it because I was so hard to deal with.