View Full Version : Headed to ER

08-25-2013, 06:59 PM
Hey everyone I'm headed out to my first ER trip. I feel so weak and terrible. This has to be done. Ill let you all know once I get all my tests done. Prayers. <3

Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 07:09 PM
Going to the ER is good documentation if you ever need it to establish some sort of financial help.

08-25-2013, 07:10 PM
What? I don't understand

08-25-2013, 07:14 PM
Hey everyone I'm headed out to my first ER trip. I feel so weak and terrible. This has to be done. Ill let you all know once I get all my tests done. Prayers. <3

We all have our first! Hoping all is well! Good luck

08-25-2013, 07:18 PM
Thank you. I feel very weak and my pulse is barely there but resting it was 70. Then I stood up because I felt so weak. It spiked up to 140 and went right back down to 80. So scared.

08-25-2013, 07:21 PM
Thank you. I feel very weak and my pulse is barely there but resting it was 70. Then I stood up because I felt so weak. It spiked up to 140 and went right back down to 80. So scared.

Go ahead and go, it will help set your mind at ease. I would never ever go, and finally did cause I felt on fire with no fever . And it was insomnia and anxiety they said. Thought I was having a h attack. You will be better knowing

Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 07:36 PM
Some people can't work a job due to their constant panic attacks. So they look to the government (social security disability) to help out with the financial's. But it's very difficult to get approved especially if you do not show any trips to the emergency room from having panic attacks. If you go to the emergency room often enough sometimes the hospital will apply for Social security disability for you. If you don't have any trips to the ER you must see a specialist provided by Social security And they provide an assessment of you and then you will be notified if they think your eligible. It very difficult to get approved for panic disorder. don't know your finances but I just thought I would state a positive thought for you while going to the ER and that's what came to mind. Hope I could of helped,


Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Hi frank, I have had unimaginable panic attacks to and not gone to the hospital. Relying on my own methods of meditation and breathing techniques, which worked everytime. Just some took longer than others. Some times I had that cloudy head for 4 or 5 days from having such strong adrenaline rushes. But I noticed you said from insomnia which is something many of us have because the nature of the beast (panic attacks). Over the years I have corrected my insomnia with exercise and eating healthy. But it took a little over 2 years. Insomnia was a strong tool that worked hand in hand with panic attacks and I took it out. That didn't solve it completely but I was now on my way to taking out my panic attacks. Yes, this is all common sense but it takes every ounce of your soul to actually do it.

08-25-2013, 07:53 PM
Hi frank, I have had unimaginable panic attacks to and not gone to the hospital. Relying on my own methods of meditation and breathing techniques, which worked everytime. Just some took longer than others. Some times I had that cloudy head for 4 or 5 days from having such strong adrenaline rushes. But I noticed you said from insomnia which is something many of us have because the nature of the beast (panic attacks). Over the years I have corrected my insomnia with exercise and eating healthy. But it took a little over 2 years. Insomnia was a strong tool that worked hand in hand with panic attacks and I took it out. That didn't solve it completely but I was now on my way to taking out my panic attacks. Yes, this is all common sense but it takes every ounce of your soul to actually do it.

How are you,
My job is pretty good exercise since I'm In construction, but my heart rate doesn't always get to its potential, working. I'm too tired to exercise after working and my diet isn't the best. Sure you are very correct to that account! I went about a month, without sleeping for more than a hour at a time,9 after my first panic attack. It finall y got a little better and I went six months before having to go to the hospital. Managing prett well now, but still have a ways to go. Exercising and eating better is what I need! Thank you friend

08-25-2013, 08:09 PM
Sitting here in ER. They did my Bp and heart rates. Bp was high. As always. I don't remember the heart rate. Did the simple, can you read this line eye test. That's it so far.

08-25-2013, 08:13 PM
Sitting here in ER. They did my Bp and heart rates. Bp was high. As always. I don't remember the heart rate. Did the simple, can you read this line eye test. That's it so far.

Mine was like 167
Over 98 when I got there. So that is to be expected. You probably know that already. Keep us informed? They kept me until it went down to normal. About 5 hours

Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 08:58 PM
No problem frank and thanks for your input, I am always looking to learn things from real life people who been through what I been through, not from some doctor who doesn't have a clue and wants me to take a drug that was told to him that it will work for people like us. Yikes :(

I used to frame houses in the high desert in southern California until I got a bad heat stroke in 118 degree weather. I had been drinking rum and cokes and shooting pool till 3 am. Then I went to work at 5 am no water all. Now that's dumb and we all know I was going to pay for that but I didn't realize I would pay for it with years of panic attacks. See whenever I was uncomfortable from the weather being to hot or just no sunglasses and Im stuck in traffic or I get a little dehydrated and slightly get dizzy, it triggered a panic attack. and it took years of cleaning up my body and rethinking not to be scared when i would feel uncomfortable from the heat. Being physically healthier stopped a big percentage of panic attacks but the mental part of believing that I will be ok took a little longer to actually stop an attack. But now I am able to every time.

08-25-2013, 09:25 PM
Yeah. That would do it . Sorry you've had to go through that. The traffic lights are one of my worst triggers when driving, as long as I moving I'm fine . The heat is bad too, when I get home all
I can do is lay and feel nauseated until around bedtime. I have a bloodtest next Thursday to see what's going on, hopefully it's all good. Peace

08-25-2013, 11:48 PM
Well I came back from ER. Everything came back fairly normal besides one thing. I was two notches away with a blood count from having the same amount of whatever in the blood shows cancer. I'm getting flown to the bigger hospital to get an MRI. Wish me the best.

08-25-2013, 11:56 PM
Good luck, autumnbee. Really hope you get on ok.

08-26-2013, 12:00 AM
Thank you. I hope so too. I'm not too frightened because he said its fairly normal to have that. He said that it wouldn't matter if it was even at the same level as long as it wasn't like 20. Mine was 4. The cancer level is 6. But he said even if it was that level it could mean alot of other things. But he said with the symptoms I'm experiencing I need to get an MRI. He looked at my eyes thoroughly and said he couldn't see any sign of tumor. Which was good. He said to relieve my mind of it I need to go do the test.

08-26-2013, 12:04 AM
Are you okay?

08-26-2013, 12:05 AM
Thank you. I hope so too. I'm not too frightened because he said its fairly normal to have that. He said that it wouldn't matter if it was even at the same level as long as it wasn't like 20. Mine was 4. The cancer level is 6. But he said even if it was that level it could mean alot of other things. But he said with the symptoms I'm experiencing I need to get an MRI. He looked at my eyes thoroughly and said he couldn't see any sign of tumor. Which was good. He said to relieve my mind of it I need to go do the test.

I think that's great you're being tested so thoroughly. My doc is always reluctant to do any tests besides blood tests and a basic EKG, presumably because she has convinced herself that what I'm suffering from is "just" anxiety. It annoys me!! I would really like to have a more thorough test, for example, an MRI. At any rate, good luck and let us know how it goes!

08-26-2013, 12:09 AM
Thank you. I hope so too. I'm not too frightened because he said its fairly normal to have that. He said that it wouldn't matter if it was even at the same level as long as it wasn't like 20. Mine was 4. The cancer level is 6. But he said even if it was that level it could mean alot of other things. But he said with the symptoms I'm experiencing I need to get an MRI. He looked at my eyes thoroughly and said he couldn't see any sign of tumor. Which was good. He said to relieve my mind of it I need to go do the test.

When I went to the ER for a crazy heart they ended up prescribing beta-blockers. Nothing would slow mine down.

Feel better soon being there is probably at least somewhay comforting knowing theyre trying to figure it all out ya know?

08-26-2013, 12:14 AM
Mine wasn't for racing heart at all. I rarely get racing heart anymore. Only when I'm truly panicking. And I panic when I feel like I'm literally dying. Which is alot of the time. But I went in because I keep feeling like my heart completely stops. On top of my decreasing vision. Which is getting worse by the day and the head aches and shit. Just so much going on in my body that all points to brain tumor. But I pray that it's just a really clever trick my mind is playing on me.

08-26-2013, 12:19 AM
Mine wasn't for racing heart at all. I rarely get racing heart anymore. Only when I'm truly panicking. And I panic when I feel like I'm literally dying. Which is alot of the time. But I went in because I keep feeling like my heart completely stops. On top of my decreasing vision. Which is getting worse by the day and the head aches and shit. Just so much going on in my body that all points to brain tumor. But I pray that it's just a really clever trick my mind is playing on me.

i pray its not that. hopefully it isnt.

08-26-2013, 02:21 AM
I hope your ok please let us know how you get on. X

08-26-2013, 12:37 PM
Thank you. I hope so too. I'm not too frightened because he said its fairly normal to have that. He said that it wouldn't matter if it was even at the same level as long as it wasn't like 20. Mine was 4. The cancer level is 6. But he said even if it was that level it could mean alot of other things. But he said with the symptoms I'm experiencing I need to get an MRI. He looked at my eyes thoroughly and said he couldn't see any sign of tumor. Which was good. He said to relieve my mind of it I need to go do the test.

What is the test called? I'm curious because I'm a nurse and they rarely ever run cancer markers in people your age. I just experienced a similar episode of visual disturbances, head pressure, and dizziness. I went to the opthamologist and they said everything was fine. My dr reassured me that if there was a tumor they would've seen it. Have you had trouble walking, or with coordination? Also thunderclap headaches are usually a sign of brain tumor. I'm pretty certain it's anxiety but I wish you luck. Stay positive!

08-26-2013, 01:36 PM
I don't remember. And what is a thunder clap headache?

08-26-2013, 01:46 PM
It comes on suddenly it's very intense and described as "the worst headache of your life" . I assume it feels like a bolt of thunder hitting your head. I've read that if you are prone to getting headaches, most likely an increase in them is not related to a brain tumor. It's the people who NEVER get headaches that should worry as a new onset of headaches signals a problem.

08-26-2013, 01:48 PM
I haven't really got one like that but I've never gotten head aches before till like two weeks ago. Well my doc said I've been getting them forever just without the pain. Ocular migraines??? But now they're getting painful. And I'm getting them when I wake up so I'm really scared.

08-26-2013, 01:51 PM
But I'm still really young. So is developing pain headaches as serious as I'm making it out to be??

08-26-2013, 01:52 PM
Do you spend a lot if time on the computer? Do you wear glasses? Eye strain was the cause of my headaches. When I went to the opthamologist they said both eyes got 1 point (or whatever it's called) worse from all the time I spend on the computer. Waking up with headaches could be a sign that your sleeping wrong, you might need a new pillow or just have a lot of pent up tension. It happens to me sometimes to the point where it woke me from a deep sleep. Scary but it was stress related. When will you get results back?

08-26-2013, 01:56 PM
I've had headaches since I was 10! It was terrible i remember being on the couch laying down popping Tylenol whole my friends were out playing!! I've always had near sightedness so a lot of that was the problem. They eventually turned into migraines as I became a teen and when I get my period- forget it! I'm in bed for two days in the dark. They can be somewhat controlled though through dietary modifications and getting on a regular sleep schedule, staying hydrated, things like that. Migraines are very common more so in women too.

08-26-2013, 01:58 PM
I spend all day everyday on my laptop or my iPod. Yeah I sleep really bad because I have really crappy pillows. I wake up with a stuff aching neck everyday. And I get about 3 hours of sleep each night while staying up at least 21 hours a day. It seems my head hurts behind my eyes mostly. But sometimes my temples.

08-26-2013, 01:59 PM
I'm also on my period I think. I had ended my period two weeks ago but I started bleeding like I was on my period two days ago and it's getting heavy like a period. Idk if that's concerning as I told my doctor and he thinks i might be pregnant

08-26-2013, 02:03 PM
Well if pregnancy is a possibility then headaches are a common first symptom as your hormones are rising. They would've tested you got pregnancy I'm hoping before they did any X-rays though.

08-26-2013, 02:04 PM
For pregnancy*

08-26-2013, 02:06 PM
No they never did any x rays or anything like that. They did do a blood pregnancy test but since its only been two weeks since my period they can't tell yet. That's why I have to wait to get my MRI but I don't really think I can anymore.

08-26-2013, 02:35 PM
You might have to get an early pregnancy test or wait it out and see if your period comes next month. Look at it this way, if something life threatening was in fact wrong with you they would've done every test and not had you wait.

08-26-2013, 02:44 PM
True. It feels life threatening whatever it is. He would have seen it in my optical nerves he said that all looked fine and my blood results were normal even though they were close to 6. He said it would be a concern if It was 20 but mine was 4 so he said not to worry

08-26-2013, 02:45 PM
I hope your ok , i had been getting headaches every day all day for about 12 weeks. Ive had 2 episodes of this approx a year apart. It would come on with blurry vision, pain behind my eyes, twitching eyes, numb lips as well as pins /needles , feeling dizzy etc. I would take some medication but it didnt touch the sides. I went back to the doctors time after time and they would check me over and the only thing they could find was high bp but they said thats because i was anxious. Anyway i was told to get my eyes tested and after alot of tests she said i had high pressure behind my eyes and when i asked her what does that show she said i could have glaucoma but without seeing into my brain it could be a brain tumour. Well i went crazy couldnt think straight couldnt do anything. This was the one thing i was worried about and now i could have it. So off to the hospital i went and they re tested my eyes and i was crying like a baby i really couldnt cope. Anyway i told him what had gone on and he laughed and he said you do not have a tumor even without looking at you. Have you been passing out? Have you had no control over your arms and legs? Have you been slurring your words ? Memory loss? no co-ordination ? Real bad headache? Well i could only say yes to the head aches. Well he did some more tests and said that i didnt have pressure behind my eyes. So all the worry was over nothing the anxiety has been building up and fueling the headache. Ive been having migraines that were giving me numb lips and face etc as well as my eye twitching. Tension is a bad thing and makes alot of your body go tense.

Im sure your be ok but the hospital have got to do their job and check everything . You could be pregnant and that could explain a lot.

Please take care and hope you feel better soon.

08-26-2013, 02:51 PM
Hope you feel better soon. At least they are checking you pretty thoroughly, so maybe that will offer some peace of mind.

08-26-2013, 03:02 PM
They did check me for pregnancy! I said that like twice lol. It came back negative. And the blood pregnancy test can find pregnancy alot faster and better than a pee test. I'm not pregnant.

08-26-2013, 03:02 PM
I have been feeling numb and lightheaded everyday for about 4 months now.

08-26-2013, 03:03 PM
And I mean 24/7 without stopping. And I don't have bad coordination I have pretty good balance and I don't pass out. I barely sleep.

08-26-2013, 03:04 PM
Over arm and leg twitches and spasms but I've had that ever since I was little

08-26-2013, 07:27 PM
Autumnbee keep us posted please. High BP and high heart beat is terrifying. With 100 beats I was sure I am dying. Can not imagine jump from 70 to 140. I hope they find out what is going on. It can be only anxiety. Not to this extend. Probably they will fix u up in no time. Is going to be ok .

08-26-2013, 07:37 PM
I've gone to the ER some many times. And they were all embarrassing and disappointing. In a way I wanted my doctor to tell me more than, "It's stress." "It's anxiety". Because that sounds like it's not gonna be healed over night. lol I wanted like some pain killer that they can give me so that it'll go away right away! And the BILLS! arrghhh... the bills.... the worst. I didn't have insurance at the time.

08-26-2013, 07:40 PM
I'm not so much worried about my heart at all as I am about my brain. I'm definitely set on a brain tumor. I'm so scared that that's what's gonna be told to me. I'm almost certain that's what's going on.

08-26-2013, 07:55 PM
I was convinced I had a brain tumor also. Many times actually lol. Your headaches might be tension headaches. Also you could be dehydrated. How much water are you drinking each day. There are a million causes for headaches and most aren't serious. Anxious people tend to think the worst. Almost everyone has thought they had a brain tumor one time or another. If you did have something like that going on it should have shown up in your blood.

08-26-2013, 07:59 PM
I know. Like I'm not too worried about the headaches just the symptoms that go along with it. The chronic weakness, numbness in all my limbs, permanent dark/blind spots along with other crazy vision obscurities. And yes I agree, my symptoms are those of stage 4 brain tumor which definitely would have shown in the blood tests and on my optic nerves

08-26-2013, 08:00 PM
Both sides of my families have history of terrible vision and glaucoma. So. I would much rather go blind partially than die of a tumor or cancer!! I just need to get checked to ease my mind and rule that stuff out

08-26-2013, 09:21 PM
The chronic weakness and numbness are often symptoms of anxiety. Also have you had your b12 level checked? Low b12 will cause that numbness feeling.

08-26-2013, 09:27 PM
I know they are it's just so hard to believe that the way I feel could be from anxiety! And no I haven't.

08-26-2013, 09:33 PM
I know they are it's just so hard to believe that the way I feel could be from anxiety! And no I haven't.

I don't have head aches like you but I can definitely say that I understand feeling so rotten that you think it can't be simply anxiety! I think that EVERY DAY! It sucks!

08-27-2013, 12:16 AM
I know they are it's just so hard to believe that the way I feel could be from anxiety! And no I haven't.

Try and see if you can get that checked. If you do, write down the results. Just because they say its "ok" doesn't mean its optimal for feeling your best. It's also good to get your Vitamin D, Iron, Ferritin, and Thyroid levels checked.

Try drinking a lot more water and staring at screens such as the computer less. Also a good quality magnesium supplement will help with sleep, anxiety, depression, and muscles. It should loosen all your muscle which would help if those headaches are tension related.

Also if you are taking any meds that can cause side effects such as headache.

08-27-2013, 12:31 AM
I already got my anemia and other things checked and all was fine. Idk if they did thyroid