View Full Version : Any other older women here going through pre-menopause?

08-25-2013, 04:09 PM

I am 49 years old and have had some symptoms of pre-menopause for several years now (irregular periods etc). I have also noticed that my various mood disorders have become much worse. It seems no one talks much about the physical or emotional impact of pre-menopause/menopause. Certainly my doctor is not interested in discussing it. Though my OB/GYN has been more understanding.

At any rate, I'm wondering if any other women here have been having any issues with this. My depression in particular has been awful and I have lots of anxious thoughts about mortality and dying. Also a sense that the best part of my life is over and that everything is kind of pointless now. Also feel tearful a lot and sometimes feel like I'm losing my mind and just generally feel very lost and scared and down :-(

Thanks for any feedback!

08-25-2013, 04:19 PM
Yes I feel the same way. I am 51 just stopped having periods for 5 mos now. I feel very anxious most of the time and depressed. I also get lightheaded and sometimes get so dizzy just for a few mins. I have night sweats too.

08-25-2013, 05:06 PM
:eek:I am older than u guys and I noticed that my anxiety and panic attacks are much frequent now that ten years ago. Hot flashes are awful and add to anxiety, night sweats awful, all that *** about aging is terrible. Ladies we will survive somehow. I think u need to go on something., Pre or menopause woman tend to be depressed more. I am sure the hormonal storm in our body does not help:)

08-25-2013, 06:22 PM
Thanks so much for your replies Malyn and Dahlia. Definitely helps to know I'm not alone. I have mentioned this to a couple of my girlfriends but none of them are having particular difficulties. I also mentioned it to my Mum, but she said she barely noticed menopause. So I was feeling very alone with it. I've had depression and anxiety on and off my entire life so I'm sure it makes sense that these things would be worse now that my hormones are all over the place. I do take an anti-depressant but I don't think it's helping enough. I am scared to try HRT because of the risks of breast cancer (which my Mum had).

Thanks for listening!

08-25-2013, 09:32 PM
Tailspin you are not alone, however, I do not have a one friend who understand my anxiety, they tell me to calm down. Everyone thinks I am antisocial but I am scared and anxious to go anywhere. No one have problems to go to sleep like I do. I did not have nap for over 6 years, and I am not able to sleep without sleeping pills. Some woman do not have difficult menopause, same do. When we getting older is more difficult to deal with everyday life. we need help. I am scared of HRT too, even my doctor (such a bitch) told me I am plain stupid not wanting to take it. Cancer runs in my family, I am not going to risk it. The hormones are not good. We are poisoned enough with Gmo foods as it is. :(
Sorry for my style but English is my second language. Forgive me please:)

08-25-2013, 10:37 PM
Your English is great and I really appreciate your input Dahlia. Thank you. Do you take anything besides a sleeping pill at night? Like an anti-depressant? I have tried all the regular SSRI's and SNRI's and none of them help that much. BUT, when I come off them I do much worse!!! So I keep taking them.

08-25-2013, 10:53 PM
I can not tolerate SSRI so my doctor put me on clonazepam twice a day (I chose once at 3 pm when my anxiety starts to act) and I just started on gabapentin, I hope it is going to work for me. Antidepressants kick my BP up. I take Ativan under the tongue the small dose 1 mg when my hands start shaking and heart galloping, and fear is snicking on me. Still taking zoplicone before bed. As u see is not working ; 12:55am already. I have a good psychiatrist and I trust her. It is three months I am seeing her, she seem to listen to me and telling me not to worry and not to force myself to take meds if I do not feel ok about them., I hope she can help me. I am desperate for help
Tailspin what are u on? My friend is on Paxil and she feels fantastic, sleeping, no panic attacks even her job is extremely stressful

08-25-2013, 11:54 PM
It's great you like your psychiatrist, Dahlia. And I really hope you get some relief from the Gabapentin. I am currently on Lexapro. Previously I was on Zoloft for about 5 years. It helped at first but then it seemed to stop helping. In the past I've been on Prozac and Effexor and a long time ago I was on Paxil. None of them have really helped that much, but they do help a bit.

Thanks again. Hope you have a good rest of the night!