View Full Version : Pain at jugular vein...
11-06-2007, 07:44 AM
I'm scared of this new symptom I'm having: painful spasms in my neck, where I would expect my jugular vein to be. They come for few seconds then disappear.
I suffer of some neck problems, so it could be that. Also it's not necessarely the vein hurting, maybe just some muscles.
But when it happened I was scared the blood didn't flow well to that important vein, and something dangerous would therefore happen.
Should I get it checked, or wait and see......? I'm obviously afraid of dying. I have too many strange symptoms, and I'm tired of contacting doctors.
11-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Okay..That was dumb. As soon as I read your topic of your post, my neck hurt. Thanks! lol Jk. I just thought it was a coincidence (Not really having bad anxiety atm) But that sucks though. I always think my hearts going to fail or my apendix with explode..or my spleen because I have mono and my spleen is swollen.
But if you really are worried about it, its better safe than long as you have health insurance it shouldn't be too expensive.
I went back to the doctors to get tested for mono just to see if I was paranoid...It turned out I was right. >.> Then they gave me prednisone..which made my back and face break out, but then I heard something about the staff disease or something and that it can cause boil like pimples..and these pimples aren't really going Idk. lol
Would suck if I'm right about this, but I can't afford to go to the doctors and I am going on and on about myself when I should be helping you so I apologize. lol
I do this often. Try to just relate and just fail at it. lol See, I'm still going on. I should delete this but then it would be a dumb post.
11-06-2007, 07:28 PM
I usually get pain in my neck, although lately it's been confined to my lower back, sorta where my neck and back meet, on my right feels like I've got wooden board in my neck...ouch. :x
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