View Full Version : Really Freaking Out- Poisoning or Anxiety?

08-25-2013, 01:46 PM
Hello everyone, my name's Sara and I'm a freshman in college. I started a project today that involved soldering, and I bought solder that i thought was lead-free but as it turns out, it was 60% lead. I began using it and quickly became lightheaded from the fumes, so I stopped. Once I learned it was lead, I walked up to our campus health center, but because it's Sunday it was closed. I called the place they refer us to after-hours and it was closed too, and when trying to call a 24/7 hour service online I learned they couldn't give me advice because I was still 17 and therefor a minor. My only other option would be to call 911 in case it's a medical emergency which I am completely unsure about, it's been about half an hour and nothing' happened other than me freaking out

I called my parents and told them about my problem- Mom has assured me that there's nothing wrong, and that the symptoms I'm feeling- lighteadedness, mainly- are due to my anxiety. Which, to be honest, makes 100% sense to me. But I'm still really concerned.

I've tried googling it which hasn't helped any- It's only told me about how dangerous lead is in high doses or over an extended amount of time. I'm trying to trust my parent's judgement, but I'd really love to hear at least a bit of information from a medical professional to tell me it's ok.

So can anyone tell me where I can find help if I'm a minor and it's a sunday? (preferably online?) Or, if any of you can tell me I'll be ok, or lead me to any articles to help explain how much lead it takes to actually cause damage or really any information to help me feel better about my situation? I'm still not sure if I'm sick or anxious, though it is probably the latter.

I was only soldering for maybe 30 seconds to one minute before I stopped. I'm being told I'm overreacting, but all i need is a little more assurance. Thank you!