View Full Version : Woke up strange vision.

08-25-2013, 11:06 AM
When I woke up today I saw alot of sparkles and squiggleys and distorted vision. This scared me alot since I've never had this before. It lasted for about 10 seconds and I was really scared. I have weird vision but mine are mostly blind spots and dark spots in paripheral that never go away. My head and ears felt really full and pressure and I kept swallowing and my ears seemed to pop bad and have some drainage but nothing came out. I also started to feel my heart beat or something in the back of my head while laying down.

08-25-2013, 11:34 AM
Want answers! So tired of this all the time!!):

08-25-2013, 02:51 PM
I had that when I was a little dehydrated. Are you drinking plenty of water? I know it seems simple but I figured out that sometimes it is lol. I was always thinking this and that. Its like a car that wont start. With anxiety I would think the motor is bad when all it needed was a battery :)

08-26-2013, 03:28 AM
Omg I have the same exact problems with my vision! I always see dark spots in my peripheral and sometimes it freaks me out and make me jump. I'm so sick of it! I can't believe that anxiety has caused me to have so many problems. I had a cat scan done a few months ago, not sure what that looks for but everything looked normal. Just freaks me out because sometimes I feel like I can't be having all these problems just because of anxiety.
But I guess it's possible :/

08-26-2013, 04:09 AM
Like are they permenant dark spots? Did it happen in one eye then move to both and they got bigger? That's what mine have done. And ct scans can only show if its a really big tumor. What would have been better is an MRI. That shows everything in your brain. I'm getting this done pretty soon and I'm really excited. But I got my vision checked and my eyes are normal. There was also no sign of any tumor or fluid in my eyes because they can see if a tumor is growing in your brain by looking into your eyes with a stethoscope. They told me everything looked normal but they're sending me to get at MRI to be 100% sure.