View Full Version : Feeling fed up and low

08-25-2013, 08:34 AM
Today started off well. Then went to the shops with my partner and son my son starts playing up running wild and I'm the one who has to chase after him! Leaves me feeling flat angry and out off breath and to be honest going out to the shops is hard enough but when your partner doesn't support you it's hard work. He makes me out to be the bad one when I start feeling panicky its drivin me away from him and I'm pregnant with his child but don't think I can be with him anymore. He makes my panic worse doesn't support me when I have a panic attack just gets angry and shouts and to be Honest I can't be with him anymore.

I get no attention from him no love kisses or cuddles I need attention. I feel like I'm being maybe over the top and I should jut get on with it but I really do feel like he doesn't support me with my anxiety to start off he was good now he gets angry.

What should I do?! He's the father to my son and to my next baby.

08-25-2013, 09:44 AM
Do you love him or should I say are you in love with him. If you are then you should speak to him and tell him how you are feeling explain how your panic's affect you and your daily life, tell him you need his support and if he can't understand try again explaining how your life us and how every day us a struggle with anxiety. Be sure before you throw away what you have git. Would it be easier alone with 2 kids. I'm not saying it would be, do you think he is that bad you should walk away. Saying all that sometimes love isn't enough. Take care