View Full Version : feeling trapped?

08-24-2013, 04:32 PM
Well today im having a bad day and feeling trapped in my own body is thus normal? Id been having a few good days just plodding along letting time pass and hopefully letting my confidence build slowly. Anyway recently ive been put under stress with my ex (sons dad) & court & its kicked my to my worse. Its all i worry about & the panic attacks. The last few days since i recieved the news ive just felt upset with anger & feeling of why am i here? (i would never do anything stupid) just thinking what is my purpose cause i feel so hopeless. My anxiety affects leaving to far fron the house & panic attacks trigger so i feel trapped in my home & trapped in my own bubble. I wonder if ill always be like this even with the help of telephone therapy im just starting. I havnt told anyone incase they think im loosing it. my son keeps me going everyday & im trying to focuss on that. It just angers me i was gradually having some good days & he comes back into our lives & now i feel so negative and think so negative.

08-24-2013, 04:46 PM
Hi Ambz,
I know how you feel. All you describe I am also going through right now. I haven't been myself in 2 months. Been out of work for 6 weeks and counting. Trapped at home in my bubble. Alone all day until my fiancee gets home. Just wondering and wondering when I will feel better and be back to my old self. Hang in there......

08-25-2013, 04:47 AM
Hey hun..thanks for replying. Sorry.to hear you feeling the shane its awful. I think the worst bit is thinking can this be normal? Thats why i posted. And will it go away. Fingers crossed for us x