View Full Version : Cant sleep!!):

08-24-2013, 02:46 AM
I hate feeling like this. I can't wait to finally get my check ups tomorrow!!!

08-24-2013, 02:51 AM
Me neither I feel like ima die if I do

08-24-2013, 02:54 AM
Me too! I just freaked out while I was typing that idk how I even did. As I was typing that my eyes freaked out. Like moved around for a second. Then I got a hot flush because I started to panic!! I feel like I'm going crazy!!!):

08-24-2013, 02:58 AM
Me too! I just freaked out while I was typing that idk how I even did. As I was typing that my eyes freaked out. Like moved around for a second. Then I got a hot flush because I started to panic!! I feel like I'm going crazy!!!):
Everything is going to be okay our mind is putting to much negative stuff !! I can't sleep because I have so much negative stuff running threw my head then my hear start beating faster then I feel like my whole body is like beating

08-24-2013, 02:58 AM
Same here. I dozed only to wake feeling like I was being choked. I'm scared to sleep now and have that lump in my throat :(

08-24-2013, 03:00 AM
Same here. I dozed only to wake feeling like I was being choked. I'm scared to sleep now and have that lump in my throat :(

I feel like I can't breath when I dozed off

08-24-2013, 03:02 AM
I feel numb. Like my body is literally shutting down! I'm so scared I wanna go to the ER! I don't have the weird vision thing that only lasted for a second. But my body is shaky but feels really weak at the same time. Like I'm super tense but weak and numb? Idk how to describe it! Then my shakes will stop for a split second and it feels like my blood isn't flowing at all?! Wtf I wanna go to hospital.

08-24-2013, 03:05 AM
I feel numb. Like my body is literally shutting down! I'm so scared I wanna go to the ER! I don't have the weird vision thing that only lasted for a second. But my body is shaky but feels really weak at the same time. Like I'm super tense but weak and numb? Idk how to describe it! Then my shakes will stop for a split second and it feels like my blood isn't flowing at all?! Wtf I wanna go to hospital.

Your just going to spend a lot of money ... When was the last time u slept good ? I think your body is really really tired all your muscle need to rest

08-24-2013, 03:07 AM
I feel numb. Like my body is literally shutting down! I'm so scared I wanna go to the ER! I don't have the weird vision thing that only lasted for a second. But my body is shaky but feels really weak at the same time. Like I'm super tense but weak and numb? Idk how to describe it! Then my shakes will stop for a split second and it feels like my blood isn't flowing at all?! Wtf I wanna go to hospital.

I get this too. Here's my normal symptoms might make you feel better that its just panic. Shakes and tremor, feeling cold or hot, seeing auras or after images. Short of breath. Numb or tingling hands and feet. Pain in shoulders choking feeling. I try to get mad at it. It helps sometimes

08-24-2013, 03:08 AM
About 6 months ago maybe. Lol. I stayed up for 24 hours today and slept like 4 the past two days. And days before that I sleep like maybe 5 hours and staying up as long as I possibly can before I pass out from exhaustion.

08-24-2013, 03:09 AM
I'm so scared to sleep while everyone else is sleeping because I'm scared ill die in my sleep and no one would know. I also am scared of being home alone. Which I am 12 hours a day so I get a very limited amount of time to sleep. I'm so sick of this.

08-24-2013, 03:12 AM
I hate that feeling. It literally feels like my body is shutting completely off! Then my heart starts racing and I feel relieved because my heart is pumping right. Then after my heart settles I feel weak again and it makes me feel like my heart isn't pumping right. I wish it would beat like a panic attack constantly because I'm so used to feeling it beat. But for a year that all changed. I hate not feeling my heart beat unless I'm having a panic attack. It really scares me. I know it sounds weird because most people hate feeling their heart beat but it's comforting to me because I've been able to ever since I can remember.

08-24-2013, 03:14 AM
I'm so scared to sleep while everyone else is sleeping because I'm scared ill die in my sleep and no one would know. I also am scared of being home alone. Which I am 12 hours a day so I get a very limited amount of time to sleep. I'm so sick of this.

We in the same position I know exactly how you feel ... I'm scare of sleeping too
"Everyone thinks is a joke" to them but not to me it sucks I feel like I won't wake up if I do go to sleep

08-24-2013, 03:15 AM
I'm so scared to sleep while everyone else is sleeping because I'm scared ill die in my sleep and no one would know. I also am scared of being home alone. Which I am 12 hours a day so I get a very limited amount of time to sleep. I'm so sick of this.
So that's why I get on this app and try to start a conversation with people who are still awake lol

08-24-2013, 03:16 AM
Yeah. I just told my boyfriend tonight why I don't sleep when he is. He laughed at me and was like, you want me to watch you in your sleep to make sure you're breathing? I'm like. Yeah. Is that crazy?? Lol. It's a real fear. A terrible one that's hard to get over! My brother is the only other person I know who had that same fear.

08-24-2013, 03:17 AM
Same here! But there's usually no one on when I am!! It's only 1:16 am here. I stay up till at least 7 am

08-24-2013, 03:18 AM
Yeah. I just told my boyfriend tonight why I don't sleep when he is. He laughed at me and was like, you want me to watch you in your sleep to make sure you're breathing? I'm like. Yeah. Is that crazy?? Lol. It's a real fear. A terrible one that's hard to get over! My brother is the only other person I know who had that same fear.

I don't think is crazy because I. Be doing the same !!! I tell my girl to make sure I'm breathing .. But I was good 2 days ago but today it came back after eating Taco Bell it always does that when I eat fast food

08-24-2013, 03:22 AM
Yeah. I avoid the fast food! Lol. And anything microwaved or deep fried. Or too acidic. Just because. I mean I've never personally experienced upset stomach from anxiety but I was told by my gp that I have acid reflux and that's why I would get chest pains. I honestly don't get chest pains that much at all anymore. I was getting them like everyday. I have a new set of symptoms that are driving me crazier than my old ones! I feel like I'm gonna die any day or hour.

08-24-2013, 03:23 AM
Yeah. I avoid the fast food! Lol. And anything microwaved or deep fried. Or too acidic. Just because. I mean I've never personally experienced upset stomach from anxiety but I was told by my gp that I have acid reflux and that's why I would get chest pains. I honestly don't get chest pains that much at all anymore. I was getting them like everyday. I have a new set of symptoms that are driving me crazier than my old ones! I feel like I'm gonna die any day or hour.

For me is when in about yo pass out I wake up because is like I can't breath ..

08-24-2013, 03:27 AM
I get mine the worst at night too. Like I have symptoms all day but they get 100 x worse at night. Yeah when I'm about to doze off or even when I'm laying down I get a super weird flush of numbness through my body and it feels like my blood stops flowing or something!!! It's the scariest feeling ever. But I've had it for about 8 months and haven't died yet soooooo