View Full Version : Trouble concentrating/multitasking

08-23-2013, 08:14 PM
So I got a job (my first job ever) at Starbucks inside a grocery store. It was so hectic in there. Let me give you a little description; you have to punch in codes for drinks after finding them on a list a mile long. and there are so many recipes and codes and steps to remember. and timers going off every 10 seconds. and you have to greet customers while doing dishes. So today I asked if I could me moved to a register because I got pulled aside when the line got a little backed up. Long story short I realized I am too slow to be a barista. I hated it and cried every night after work. I couldn't do it. And it makes me feel so stupid. Like I'm as not smart as everyone else who can do just fine in there. I wanted this job so bad. I'm thankful I can work in the grocery store but still. Starbucks was my first choice.

Anyways, my question is, does anyone else have a hard time multitasking and doing it quickly. If I rush I screw up. Its that simple. Pair it with mild dyslexia and you've got a mess. I tried SO hard though to make it work. And I couldn't. Are there any ways for me to work on this? Why am I so slow? Is this common with anxiety/depression?

08-24-2013, 01:42 AM
I feel the same way just spacey but rushed ...kinda jittery but out of it...I think it is all just our anxiety WE ARE ALL OK WE JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE IT :) hope it gets easier for you

08-24-2013, 02:10 AM
Thank you so much!!