View Full Version : Back to square one

08-23-2013, 06:38 PM
My main concern that keeps cycling back around every time I take two steps forward is this: why does my heart beat fast for no reason and will that lead to a heart attack for no reason ? I'm so sick of letting this beat me down. I just need some lasting reassurance

08-24-2013, 07:22 AM
Also here of late every morning I wake up with a racing heart . How long can it continue to do this before it weakens my heart. I'm sorry I just need some answers

08-24-2013, 09:35 AM
This is just anxiety that's all it is ... Wen I was In a bad way my heart felt like it was racing 24/7

08-24-2013, 08:52 PM
Also here of late every morning I wake up with a racing heart . How long can it continue to do this before it weakens my heart. I'm sorry I just need some answers

I don't believe this will weaken your heart. I believe your heart will pump as fast and as long as it needs to. If you really want some more "credible" answers without going to see a doctor, you can just ask one. There is an App on the iPhone App Store called Health Tap. Basically there are hundreds of doctors who have teamed up with that app company. Build your profile by listing your health conditions to help doctors get a better idea of your health. Ask a question about any symptom you may be having. Or just any question you may want an answer to. Like this one about your heart. Submit it and wait for them to answer you. It's completely free for 150 characters and if you need more space you can make a charitable donation of 99¢ for 50 characters more. I use it and its actually pretty helpful sometimes. Some of those doctors have some pretty comforting things to say. I hope this helps