View Full Version : I cant help but thinking...

08-23-2013, 08:57 AM
i cant help but thinking there is something wrong with my head...... i have a ct done of my head which was normal but i used to get terrible headaches but those thank goodness haven't happened in awhile.. i do get dizzy/lightheaded, feel as if im going to fall down, eye problems, just out of it, ill even stare into space... is there something wrong with my head..... could it all be anxiety??

08-23-2013, 09:30 AM
Please anyone

08-23-2013, 09:35 AM
I have all this and more! I feel like this 24/7. Have you gotten proper blood cultures and blood tests?

08-23-2013, 09:38 AM
Yes I have has blood tests done like 4 times

08-23-2013, 09:50 AM
Well I think you have severe health anxiety. Like mee. Lol. If there's no signs of brain tumor or any blood disease or infection you're fine! Although you may not feel that way. I feel the same. I feel as though I'll die at any moment. That's literally all I think about. It's hard to comprehend that these symptoms are caused by anxiety. It's too crazy. I hate feeling this way 24/7!!

08-23-2013, 09:56 AM
Yes I mean I've had a ct scan of my head and it was normal.... It's just so hard to believe that it's anxiety I hate it!!!!

08-23-2013, 10:05 AM
Yeah it's very crazy!! I can't believe it either. And people think its a joke. Or we just want attention. It's like, bitch, trade me bodies for a day!!! Lol. People have no idea how it feels to live like this everyday. They're like. Oh I feel like this all the time too. It's like, no you don't. Lol. You have no idea.

08-23-2013, 10:09 AM
Exactly!!!! I get so frustrated like my mom doesn't understand she tells me to get over it your fine .... I'm like seriously like its not supportive at all

08-23-2013, 10:11 AM
My mom is the same exact way! She would even yell at me about it if I started having a panic attack. She's always saying. Oh what's wrong with you now. Or what's your disease today. It's like. Stfu.

08-23-2013, 10:12 AM
Headaches/dizziness/head pressure, etc. are my worst/most recurring symptoms and they are awful. I've had blood work done twice (Thyroid, Complete Metabolic Panel, Complete Blood Count, Lipids, Adrenal Function) and everything was normal...haven't had a CT but they don't have any reason to order one and I've been assured by multiple doctors that it is stress and tension related and nothing to worry about. I still worry that something is wrong because it just doesn't seem like a person should have to feel this way all the time for no reason. My primary doctor suggested a chiropractor and regular massage to help with the tension, but I haven't tried the chiropractor yet...it kind of freaks me out to be honest. And I agree so much with you AutumnBee...people either think it is a total joke and that you're being absolutely ridiculous and wanting attention, or they say they understand when you know for a fact they have no freaking clue!

08-23-2013, 10:15 AM
Exactly.. My mom just tells me to calm down and if I try to discuss a fear with her she basically laughs at me

08-23-2013, 10:18 AM
Same with mine! It's so irritating. And now I'm 500 miles away from her and she won't fax my medical insurance cards or anything to me because she thinks I don't need them. It's really messed up. And probably illegal? I can't even get ct scans or anything like that and I'm suffering.