View Full Version : Fear of darkness (?!?)

11-05-2007, 04:17 AM
Hello everybody,

since I started having panic attacks and anxiety, turning the lights off has been a problem to me.

Sometimes more, sometimes less.

I figured that if I use a screen in the dark at night before going to sleep, symptoms are more severe.

Basically, as soon as I go to bed and turn the lights off, being not in complete darkness but just natural night light, I get strange feeling mainly in my head (phisically in my head). My jaw feels tense, sometimes my teeth ache. When I close my eyes, sometimes I don't feel at ease with not having anything to look at but darkness. I feel I would faint, and panic.

This morning I tried to lightly push my eyes with my fingers to see how I would cope with complete darkness. I just can't do it for more than two seconds. I feel a great discomfort, again like I would faint or even die because of that.

It seems these symtoms at night, wich cause me a certain distress, get worse if I've used a computer screen in the dark for some time before going to sleep.

It feels to me like some sort of photo/light-sensitivity.

I have doubts I could have epilepsy or something, although it's just a fantasy - I don't know much about it and I never had an attack. But when I close my eyes and look at the darkness it phisically feels like something severe could happent to my nervous system. I therefore have to open my eyes, look at something, and see if some sleep comes.

I'm also thinking of some balance/ear matter, since I've had strange sensations at my left ear recently and I feel funny when I lie on my right side. I don't really know how to describe how it feels. Lately I get nauseous when I lie on my right side. Straight or left side are better. But when I lie on my right side, I get nauseous.

Does anybody relate, or think some or all of this can be anxiety-related? I think it is, but it feels SO real.

11-05-2007, 05:01 AM
Wow, I have the same problems!

I can't take darkness. I have very bad sleeping problems because night time in general just makes me sick. I used to love nighttime, but now with my anxiety problems I hate it. I have to leave the tv on just to hope to get some sleep. When I'm in complete darkness my heart races and I feel really jumpy. I hate it. Even when I walk outside for 15 seconds to take the garbage out at night I get really sick.

I can also relate to your problem with your left side. I can't sleep on my left side either! I can sleep on my right side or my belly, every now and then on my back, but never on my left side. It makes me feel kind of dizzy.

Well hey sounds like our problems are pretty similar! If you ever need to talk feel free to contact me. I'll send my contact info in a private message. Good luck!

11-05-2007, 11:02 PM
Maybe go to a doctor and get tested for some things you're worried about. Maybe it will ease your mind and you can get to sleep.