View Full Version : Scary thoughts

08-22-2013, 10:10 PM
I've convinced myself that I have Serotonin Syndrome. It was listed a side effect for two of my meds interacting. I'm sure I'm just having crazy thoughts, but it's all I can think about now.

I don't have all the symptoms, but I have a few. Namely, I feel shaky and agitated.

How do I tell myself it's just my imagination? Anyone else get shaky with their anxiety?

08-25-2013, 07:22 AM
I do the same. I over-think symptoms, or make them up completely. When I find a disease that scares me, my mind immediately tries to convince me that I have that disease. I get cold sweats, start shaking from head to toe, and yell at anyone who talks to me. I have to spend hours convincing myself that I'm alright. What works best for me is applying as much logic as I can muster up to the situation. You say that you don't have all the symptoms, and that is a really good sign that you don't have this syndrome. Just ask yourself why you're concerned about this. Reason with yourself.

08-25-2013, 02:45 PM
I've convinced myself that I have Serotonin Syndrome. It was listed a side effect for two of my meds interacting. I'm sure I'm just having crazy thoughts, but it's all I can think about now.

I don't have all the symptoms, but I have a few. Namely, I feel shaky and agitated.

How do I tell myself it's just my imagination? Anyone else get shaky with their anxiety?

When mine was real bad I got a shakey feeling. I also had that feeling when I first started my celexa. That feeling has subsided and yours will as well.