View Full Version : Anxiety & Panic

08-22-2013, 12:36 PM
Hey all,

I left the forum a bit after being super busy but at least no going through any symptoms which is always a good thing...

Recently I got engaged and plan to Wed in Fall of next year ... And this is where the worrying begins...

I've been experiencing constipation, headaches, head shocks (like parts of my head r being zapped), bloating, fatigue, stomach aches, muscle spasms.

If anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it Ty

08-22-2013, 02:16 PM
it sounds like you are experiencing anxiety possibly brought on my the stress of becoming newly engaged. Even if you are excited about it and know that it is what you want, it is a big change in life. I am not an expert but I can guess this is causing your anxiety flair. I know for me any change of anything in my life sets off anxiety for me even if I haven't dealt with it for months or years.