View Full Version : Lung cancer

08-22-2013, 11:10 AM
Hey guys. I'm just so dang paranoid...worried...

I've posted before about acid reflux, and thats probably what it is, yet I cannot get the thoughts that it might be lung cancer out of my head.

Symptoms are:

Bloody mucous

Burning sensation in chest and throat (not always, mostly at night)

Constant dry cough

Weakness in leg muscles (mostly when I pay attention to my legs)

Hoarseness in voice

Please help me be rational here! I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. I'm pregnant and worried sick that I've got a terminal illness. Ive been to the ENT and he scoped my throat. Said its red, inflamed, and swollen. I told him I'm worried that it's cancer. His words "I can't be sure of many things, but I am sure of this..it's not cancer.".

Ok, I believe him that it's not throat cancer, but what about lung?

Of course I googled lung cancer and would you believe, I've got a lot of they symptoms. If I go to my gp, she'll just say, you don't have lung cancer, and I can't do any tests like X-ray or MRI because your pregnant.

So I just sit in my thoughts. It sucks! I still force myself to be busy, but it doesnt take away the worry. I havent told anyone about my worry. Not even my husband.

Help me?

08-22-2013, 11:18 AM
When I had bloody mucus and was scared of lung cancer, I went to the minor emergency (after hours clinic) and they did an X-ray of my cheat and was told my lungs looked fine. I understand though since you're pregnant, you cannot do this.

08-22-2013, 11:24 AM
What did they tell you it was?

08-22-2013, 11:39 AM
What did they tell you it was?

They literally had no clue... They said said maybe I ate something that scratched my throat even though I do not remember anything like that... They even did a strep test and that was negative too