View Full Version : Fed up!!!

08-22-2013, 10:17 AM
does anyone's arm mainly the left arm just feel numb an tingly a lot?? :/
I just can't have a day of feeling ok :( no pains or aches would be great but it's a diff one everyday. :(

08-22-2013, 10:43 AM
Hey dont worry its the anxiety i get the samething everyday tightness in the left side heart area and soreness on left arm its all anxiety..its funny today i work with someone and i was talking about the anxiety and he had the same syptoms like me so i now feel better and know its the anxiety doing so your okay u had tests done just like me i had stress test ,echo..and everything was good just need to lose a little weight but thats it so i dont worry soo much when they come and just say to myself its all anxiety and it will pass..if you need support just pm me take care and God bless!!