View Full Version : symptoms!!

08-22-2013, 10:06 AM
is there anyone else who gets physical symptoms.. like chest pains, arm pain daily? or just physical symptoms more than anxiety?? I'm finding it hard to believe its all anxiety cos I feel ok most the time!! except these aches and pains!

08-22-2013, 10:20 AM
Anxiety can cause a ridiculous amount of things. Most of us here get physical symptoms on a daily basis...and many of us have had every kind of test in the book to rule out physical causes of those symptoms. I myself have had blood work done multiple times, EKG, audiology tests, trips to various doctors, the ER, etc. etc., and as far as anyone can see, there's nothing wrong with me. Read the threads on this board. They cover every kind of physical symptom in the book from chest and arm pain to stomach problems to headaches and dizziness...everything...and anxiety CAN cause every single one of them. Not only that, it's a cycle...the anxiety causes physical symptoms and the physical symptoms cause anxiety, so you go around and around with it. And you say that it's hard to believe it's anxiety because you feel okay except the physical symptoms, but it's obvious that you are anxious about the physical symptoms so that stress and tension in your body is still present.

Here is a pretty comprehensive list of the things anxiety can do. Take a look.


08-22-2013, 10:23 AM
Hi emtw12 I have had physical symptoms a good few times such as a ice cold feeling that ran from my feet to my head and frightened me a lot. I also worry about my heart coz i wake to a really racing heart sometimes. Like you I find it hard to believe its all anxiety coz I've suffered from anxiety for years but still get all these new symptoms and I always need an answer for things which I sometimes can't get. Hope your anxiety does start to calm for you soon.