View Full Version : Start College tomorrow. Scared.

08-22-2013, 06:25 AM
I'm starting a full time college placement tomorrow and I'm terrified. I feel like I've taken a step backwards with my anxiety over the summer.
I feel like I'm turning what could be a great thing into a problem. I worry about meeting new people, I worry about driving in and being late etc.
How do you cope with new events when deep down you know you're capable?
Very confused.

08-22-2013, 07:27 AM
You're having anticipatory anxiety. It will be OK. Just line up help resources(family doc, friends, family) in case you need them.
I had this type anxiety before I went off to college but once I got busy with it all I was OK(great even, I was soo relieved).
Many colleges have a health clinics/services covered by tuition so check that as many students have this type anxiety and need help with the change.
And we are here too!!!

08-22-2013, 07:39 AM
Hi MorningRain. Yep been there! Firstly, it's important to remember that a little apprehension is totally normal. Lots of people (if not all) will have some of the thoughts/feelings you're going through.

Take a moment to think about who you are... what makes you, well, you. Maybe you have a skill, a talent, maybe you're an artist or a musician? Think about the best possible version of you. Great, now think about how that kind of person behaves, how do they go through life? If that person lived your life for a day, how would they live it differently?

The key here is to get out of your head. The reason anxiety has become such an issue is there’s too much going on inside your mind, it’s worrying about it’s own internal thoughts and not looking at the world around you. For me, picturing someone my age, working in my area of work, I see them as strong, capable, independent and most of all confident in who they are and what they can do. It has helped me dramatically to believe that I am that person.

Don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen, and it's a great stage of life. So try to chill, sit back and enjoy the ride. :)