View Full Version : Triggers

08-22-2013, 03:34 AM
I start school again on Tuesday. I don't know why, but school tends to be a trigger for my panic attacks. I'm so busy at work every day, then have class until 9-10pm two nights a week.

I've been really thinking about why it bothers me, so I can try to move past it. I'm assuming its because I'm stuck there until 10pm and can't escape that causes my feelings. Or maybe because I'm worried something will happen (health anxiety) and no one will be able to help/know what's happening. But it annoys the crap out of me.

Anyone have any suggestions on living through triggers that you can't avoid? Thanks!

08-22-2013, 09:42 AM
Practicing coping skills including breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can help. I too get worked up when I am in inescapable situations, but as you say, sometimes we just have no choice. Distraction works best for me too when I can't escape. Even if it mean tuning out your teacher and reading your text book over and over until your body settles. It does sound like you rush around a lot too. While I am sure your schedule won't always allow for it, see if you can take time for yourself when you can to just sit and relax, maybe meditate to calm your mind. I know journaling my anxieties and fears has helped me too.