View Full Version : Caffeine = panic attack?

08-21-2013, 10:49 AM
Is anyone here caffeine sensitive?

I just drank a shot of Cuban coffee because I was sooo tired, and now I feel like I'm ok the verge of a huge panic attack...

Help anyone?

08-21-2013, 11:22 AM
I avoid caffine because it's a stimulant and find when I drink it I her really anxious and edgy. I drink decaf. Small ammonite doesn't seem to bother me. Water might help now.

08-21-2013, 01:42 PM
*********************NOT A DOCTOR*****************************

Yeah, caffeine will do that.

If you're not used to consuming drinks with high caffeine content, I would abstain or drink smaller amounts. When you talk about Cuban coffee, you're referring to something like Cafe Bustelo? Because a shot of that versus a shot of espresso are two different things. Cuban coffee is strong but a shot of it isn't equal to the strength of a shot of espresso. Was the coffee made through an espresso machine? The reason I ask is if you really only took a shot of Cuban coffee and you're that affected, you are EXTREMELY sensitive to coffee caffeine and I would leave it out from now on.

The only real helpful advice would be to drink lots of water (because caffeine is a mild diuretic) and exercise. Don't medicate with something else. Try and get through this on your own. Go run!!!! Release that anxious energy!! ;)

08-21-2013, 02:08 PM
Caffeine really sets my anxiety off. It causes my heart to race and I just feel generally anxious and horrible. It also causes major problems with insomnia for me. If I drink anything with caffeine after 12pm then I can guarantee it will take me at least 2 hours longer to get to sleep that night.

08-21-2013, 02:14 PM
I don't caffeine "causes" anxiety proper but it can aggravate anxiety in the anxious. So to speak. Alankwak

08-21-2013, 02:16 PM
Caffeine makes me panic as well. Especially coffee, I used to be able to drink it no problem. But now two-four cups is asking for a terrible trip. Sucks because I love coffee too.

08-25-2013, 09:44 AM
Once I had one of those bottled Starbucks drinks and another bottled coffee drink in a span of like an hour... A little bit later, I was just sitting in bed using my laptop but my heart was racing so bad and I was trembling like crazy, which made me panic even more, which made me hyperventilate... I totally cut caffeinated beverages out after that because it freaked me out so much.

08-25-2013, 01:14 PM
Caffeine makes me panic as well. Especially coffee, I used to be able to drink it no problem. But now two-four cups is asking for a terrible trip. Sucks because I love coffee too.

Same thing here. I love the smell and taste of coffee but cant drink it at all. Even a cup of black tea makes me panicky. I was struggling with constant panic attacks in the past and for some reason I looked up if there's a correlation between caffeine and anxiety. Long story short, my panic attacks and anxiety levels dropped immensely. Thinking back, I can't even understand how I survived drinking a pot of coffee a day.

08-25-2013, 05:09 PM
:DCoffee is not good for us, but white tea is. It is calming and relaxing. I do not touch black or green tea for over 7 years, just good organic white tea, it is refreshing and gives the kick :D

Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 06:18 PM
Hi, I have become caffeine sensitive because for years I started to eat and drink healthy in hopes to fuel my brain with as much positive things that I can feed it. Because of eating write I got hooked on working out and now I am never to tired that I may need something like coffee to help me from being tired. I don't know your life habits but I hope I could lead you in the right direction if that's needed.

08-25-2013, 09:36 PM
Coffee has the best smell and taste, i love mine black. I realize that coffee is a stimulant. so I try to drink not too much. Exercising is good and healthy eating habits are even better, but for some people it is not enough. :(

Anthony Mendez
08-25-2013, 09:44 PM
I believe Exercising and eating healthy is not enough for every person too.

Exercising and eating healthy helps your mind to run efficiently.

The person has to find the root of their fears and then with free available help like your cities mental health care psychologists available, together can work on smoothing out the years of irrational thinking like, I am going to die etc etc.

What exercise and eating healthy does is it gives you a strong foundation to begin to take smart baby steps to getting better.

That's why I stress exercise and eating healthy because you cannot accomplish getting better with out them.

08-25-2013, 09:56 PM
I wish I could exercise. Every time I try, I start to get a panic attack, feel hot, dizzy, heart pounds. It sucks, I want to start exercising again but I can't

08-25-2013, 10:43 PM
In Canada there is not free help, not for people who work , even if they work partime and for minimum wages. I know I have to work out my issues which are like 50 years old, how the heck anyone can help me if I can not help myself.

Anthony Mendez
08-26-2013, 05:05 PM
Do you clean anything in your place that you live inn?

Anthony Mendez
08-26-2013, 05:15 PM
I understand Dahila. My uncle is only 49 years old and he tells me he is stuck in his ways and at his age it's impossible to strive to make a change and he has a healthy mind. I was stuck in my room for about 7 months straight, never left, But it was the panic attacks that's scared me to get up and do something. Instead of researching 8 hours a day. MY conscience told me to start doing jumping jacks in front of my bed. I did them till I was to tired to even think, which helped greatly with sleep and in a couple of weeks I was getting better sleep feeling a little stronger and started going for a walk to the end of the street and back home. That was the beginning of believing I can do something about it. To many people just think about how bad they feel and do nothing not even something as little as walking in place. Cleaning a toilet and washing the dishes (not recommended to do in that order back to back without washing hands ;)lol) but you do this and your exercising your mind and getting a workout jlong329. Start out with cleaning exercises, that way you get things done which makes you feel good about yourself and puts you in a positive mood and at the same time your getting exercise.

08-26-2013, 07:21 PM
I do meditation , I work out, I garden and do whatever possible to keep calm and in general I am much better than ten years ago. I was chain smoker also, and I was getting in trouble in work because of that. Almost 6 years I am smoke free. There is progress even if in small steps:))

08-26-2013, 07:40 PM
unfortunately, caffiene and anxiety don't go together. I used to drink gallons of coffee and I loved the feeling it gave me. Now I freak out every time I drink Iced Tea. :( boo...

08-26-2013, 07:47 PM
Try white tea it is very refreshing and calming. It relax me more than Lemon balm tea. Every time I drink this heavenly liquid ;) I am ready to go to sleep. .... of course as soon as I hit the pillow, I am ready to jump out of bed...:(
Nothing taste better that the morning cup of coffee

Anthony Mendez
08-26-2013, 08:22 PM
Good to hear Dahila.