View Full Version : Feeling anxious....

08-21-2013, 09:49 AM
Feeling anxious for the first time in over a week. Took .25 mg zanax. Feeling a bit better. It happens when I think I've bugged my husband or my son and said something rude or stupid or something. I'm working very hard on not letting my anxiety come out at them and while I can't expect perfection.... It's still hard having a bit of a relapse. Feeling like I want to take a sleeping pill and sleep the day away.

My husband has been practicing empathy and doing very well but the last few days he's been his old self-centered "suck it up" self so I'm feeling all knotty.

08-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Deep breath. Anxiety isn't something you just get over all of a sudden...it takes work, and it's totally natural that there will be moments of "relapse". If you fall on your face, you're still moving forward...so if all you're able to do is crawl, then start crawling. Be easy on yourself...just the fact that you're feeling anxious for the first time in over a week is a great accomplishment. Look at the positive side of that. If you can go one week without it, why not two, or four? Focus on the positive things that are happening and just let the anxiety come and go.