View Full Version : Do you ever look around the room and think of how to survive

11-01-2007, 11:50 PM
Do you ever look around the room and think of ways to survive in case of fatal catastrophes? Recently, I went to a concert and had to stand in the back with about 40 or so people due to a lack of seats. I think I was the only one who immediately thought up of a survival plan just in case the floor gave way. While my friends laughed and drank beer, I designated the chair which I would grab the back of so that I wouldn't fall to my death -- if the floor were to give way. The chairs were bolted down to the floor and to each other so they may have held that portion of the floor together like plant roots hold topsoil together. I made the mistake of telling one of my friends that she should grab the chair next to mine -- just in case. She just said "o----kay" and left to get another beer. :unsure:

11-02-2007, 12:49 PM
You can't possible prepare yourself for everything that could possibly happen. I mean, you could be sitting there preparing for the floor to fall in and some crazy madman could run in with an assault riffle and kill everyone. Since you weren't prepared with a body armor you'd be dead too! Just chill out and try not to worry about everything that could go wrong and thing about things that could go RIGHT.

11-02-2007, 07:53 PM
I do that too!!! What I'm really bad at is I'll sit there and make up a daydream and it will become real in my mind. Like I'll imagine the car I'm in crashing into the 18-wheeler beside it and then I'll be trying to hold on and use what I can to survive. Once I come out of the daydream it takes me a minute to recover because reality starts to get a little clouded.