View Full Version : Help

08-21-2013, 04:27 AM
I have gcse results tomorrow, my boyfriends away for 9 days now, my mum has just had a bad panic attack at work. I miss my boyfriend, but when my family ask what's wrong I say it's something else because they've literally told me I'm being pathetic. A friend who he is with said they would phone me so I can talk to him (he didn't take his phone) but I'm so scared ill be asleep or miss the call. I've been reading, and that seems to take my mind off it but its still there. My sister is screaming at me telling me to stop being pathetic and that I'm selfish. I can't talk to my mum, she doesn't believe about my anxiety anyway, and know what's happened with her at work. I came over all hot and felt like I was going to faint. I keep crying, but I don't know why I'm crying. I don't know who to talk to, I've spoken to my friends about my anxiety and stuff, but they are on holiday and stuff for summer. I feel so ill, and I don't know what to do