View Full Version : Crying

08-20-2013, 11:13 PM
Why does every little thing make me cry? I'm sick of it. I'm on lorazepam as needed and 40 mg citalopram daily. I'm going through a divorce, selling my house, just very stressed. It's just that anything can make me cry and may send me into an anxiety attack. It's getting rather tiring! What can I do?!?!

08-21-2013, 02:31 AM
Sorry to hear you're going through some heavy stuff and having anxiety makes it even harder! I understand how you feel, have had a baby and am anxious 24/7. I always have this sick feeling in my stomach and am fearful a lot of the time. I'm currently restarting Zoloft for SA, GAD & depression but have only been on for around 3-4 weeks. Have been using the 'Smiling Mind' meditation app and it does help me to relax.

08-21-2013, 03:46 AM
Thanks...maybe I need to change my meds, which makes me nervous!!!!

08-21-2013, 10:38 AM
Why does every little thing make me cry? I'm sick of it. I'm on lorazepam as needed and 40 mg citalopram daily. I'm going through a divorce, selling my house, just very stressed. It's just that anything can make me cry and may send me into an anxiety attack. It's getting rather tiring! What can I do?!?!

I totally know the feeling. Since having anxiety I've become this person that is hypersensitive to everything, gets emotional in a flash and bursts into tears unexpectedly...and usually in places that I don't really want to be bursting into tears (like the middle of a restaurant or a store or at work or wherever). In a highly stressful situation it's natural for your emotions to be on edge...so if you've got a lot of stressful things on your plate, it's easy to see why it happens, but it is no doubt frustrating. That being said, crying typically makes me feel better because I let out a lot of things that are in my head.

08-21-2013, 11:12 AM
Yes, it's embarrassing going into work crying or looking like I've been crying all day!! 😢