View Full Version : I have a disorder(s), but do not know what they are or how to go about it..

08-20-2013, 09:04 PM
Hello. I am 16 and I feel as if I have a disorder, but do not know how to go about it. I get anxiety (very mild or moderately mild, it depends) at least once a day, and do not know how to keep a conversation going. I always wonder "how am i supposed to answer this?" or "what is an appropriate response?" sometimes i freeze up, other times its either the right or wrong response. I sometimes also feel that my facial expressions are improper when responding to somebody. Sometimes I am unable to explain something i am thinking, other times (about 75% of the time) i am. I will occasionally get depressed, and wonder where my life is going. I have a problem moving on from things I do that I feel may have come off as awkward or stupid. I am not on any medication. So here I am, wondering what is this? How do I get over it so I can live a normal life? Thank you in advance to anybody that can help me.


08-21-2013, 03:03 AM
Sorry to hear you are struggling .

It sounds to me all anxiety . You are over thinking & worrying about thing us anxious folk tend to worry about .
Have you told your g.p ? I do not think its any other disorder other than anxiety .
If its really worrying you I would see your doc & tell him how you are feeling :)