View Full Version : breaking point? Court & Anxiety

08-20-2013, 12:06 PM
Do we have a point were we can't handle anymore because today I feel im not far from it.
I suffered anxiety after my son had an operation it started when around doctors/hospitals.
then I the symptoms of anxiety/anxiety attack made me worse were I don't go very far from
my home were I feel I hit a wall of panic something bad will happen. I started this will feeling
more positive learning to distract myself when these attacks are building and not clock watching
all day and just floating through them like my book says and letting time pass and my confidence
build. I had my first therapy phone call yesterday which was nerve racking as i'm not a talker and felt
a bit embarrassed but I got through it. THEN today I after a year of no contact pretty much from my
ex. hes demanding I meet him with my son or hes applying for a court order. Now I feel im at my
total worse, not only i'm a worrying going out & hitting this wall o panic i'm worrying of bumping into
him. Now I'm not only trying to distract myself from worrying of a panic attack, i'm trying to distract
myself of thoughts of court (how I don't think il manage to get there) and how hes going to affect my
son. I no not many people may no understand the situation, but I just feel sooooo fed up like my son
the only thing keeping me going cause im sick of battling something. ive been so shut off today not
wanting to talk again incase I trigger an attack, been staring blankly at the television but not taken in
what it says. I feel I cant do anything but be wraped up in my worries. is this normal??

08-20-2013, 12:11 PM
I feel like that a couple times a month where I cant seem to go on. You are not alone. I feel like that now. I want to give up but I have a lot to live for. You do as we'll. you have your son and family and friends. When you feel like this say this..."I will not let my anxiety ruin my day or my life. I have a lot to live for." Hope this helps.

08-20-2013, 01:03 PM
thanks for your reply. its sometimes nice to get it off your chest and no others feel the same....yer my sons the single reason i get out of bed on a morning otherwise id just shut the blinds and stay there a think. just try to do as much as a can with hin as hes only person that can never fail to put a smile on my face.

08-20-2013, 01:33 PM
Hey Ambz, I can really relate to your situation with your child's father...I've been there...I am there...and can completely understand the anxiety you are feeling because of it. It is definitely not something that you can just stop worrying about. You aren't alone, even though it seems like maybe not a lot of people understand it. I can assure you that I do! Be easy on yourself...take it one day at a time and just do what you need to do and handle things the best you know how. Try to live in the moment, and not in the future of wondering what might happen and how you're going to deal with it when it does. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to deal with the future before it's even happened that we forget to deal with the present. Talking about it with someone who really understands can really help sometimes, so if you ever need to chat, feel free to send me a message!

08-20-2013, 02:35 PM
aww hey that would be lovely...cause it feels soo hard i have this talkingchanges group i seek advice with anxiety cause no one understands panic attacks they think i can just snap out of it. these started before my ex and now it just feels 10times worse. it would be really lovely to hear more about your situation or just chat :-) thankyou