View Full Version : driving anxiety

08-20-2013, 10:18 AM
I have had anxiety as long as I can remember.. about everything my mind makes me think about. Lately though I have developed an anxiety about driving. Idk why I have been driving for over 10 years it just all of a sudden began. Its starting to effect my life I can't get myself to do anything other then the things I HAVE to do. Idk if I'm scared of wrecking or what exactly its just been weighin heavy on my mind bad. I worry about it constantly. If I have to go somewhere tomorrow ill already be worrying about it today. Idk what to do about this. Are there any self help programs that work or even tricks people use to relieve these kind of anxieties?? Help!

08-20-2013, 10:48 AM
Why don't you practice driving somewhere today to get you ready for tomorrow. Drive around the corner pr to the store. Relax and put on your favorite radio station.

08-20-2013, 11:11 AM
Driving anxiety is really common. There are a ton of websites that have suggestions for overcoming it, or at least tips that can help make it a less stressful experience...just Google driving anxiety or tips for dealing with driving anxiety. My mom has had driving anxiety for a long time, and I developed it after having a severe panic attack while driving alone one night. It took me quite a while to move past it. Don't be too hard on yourself...just take it one step at a time. Like sgran002 said, maybe practice driving a little here and there...just go a really short distance and see how it goes...do a short distance, even the exact same route, a few times, and then try something different.