View Full Version : Hmmmm..

08-20-2013, 07:34 AM
So yesterday I was stretching and I could barley do it hurt so bad ... I was doing a stretch for my legs that I could feel in my head!!!! I was just wondering if this is from anxiety in that I'm so tense...

Also is that why my head hurts and the back of my neck

08-20-2013, 11:41 AM
It can most definitely be anxiety related tension. One of my worst symptoms for quite a while was tension headaches which caused horrible pressure and stiffness in the back of my head and neck and just feeling like my head wasn't right all the time. I was not only convinced something was really, really wrong with my head, but I thought it was never going to go away. I carry SO much tension in that area...massage REALLY helps me to keep my muscles relaxed.