View Full Version : Downhill

08-20-2013, 06:34 AM
I was doing ok. Last night at work I had to deal with some very abusive and aggressive customers afterwards I was shaking and have been close to tears ever since. These customers have sent me on a completely downward spiral when I was doing so well in my efforts to ignore my feelings of anxiety. I have a suitcase out and am considering disappearing so I don't have to go back and deal with people like that again. Im scared the same customers might come back. How can I carry on and pull through this? Need your advice more than ever. Thanks in advance.

08-20-2013, 07:19 AM
Hi Hannah,
first of all, I am so sorry to hear that you have to go through something like that. I understand how hard it is for you right now because I have experienced stuff like that myself a few times before.
Second, running away wouldn't probably solve the problem because there are nasty people everywhere and you don't deserve to live an unstable life because of a few unwise individuals. Look at the situation like this - you CAN pull through and you WILL because you are a strong person. You asked for advice and it shows just how strong you can be. Don't keep your emotions inside and try not to hide - talk to a doctor or a friend/relative you trust about it. Also, it would be great if you could mention this situation to your manager to prevent from happening something like that again. Take care!

08-20-2013, 11:18 AM
Thanks a few people have suggested I speak to management about this but not sure if I can trust them it frustrates me as I'm a fully qualified hairdresser and know I'm better than this job but can't get out of it I just want to progress and not be in a job like this one where people look down on u and feel its ok to make u feel like this. I hope I'm strong enough to get through it.