View Full Version : Vision problems... WTF!

08-19-2013, 05:57 PM
I have never had vision issues as one of my anxiety symptoms but last night and all day today, my left eye is a little blurry at times and has a twitch. It's about to send me in a panic!! Of course since this is new for me, I'm thinking its NOT anxiety related and freaking out!! I also have had a lot of chest pain the last 2 days as well. Please tell me if someone can relate? I'm scared.

08-19-2013, 06:15 PM
Vision problems are common for me. I actually started getting them before I even knew I was having anxiety. Even saw a doc about it...eyes were normal. But they would go blurry randomly, or fast moving objects bothered me.

I can completely understand new symptoms being scary, I feel that way every time.

08-19-2013, 06:19 PM
Yea, I hate it when my eye would have spasms. But it goes away. Sometimes, even with my glasses or contacts on, my vision would blur and it freaks me out. But it all goes away.

08-19-2013, 06:55 PM
Vision problems are common for me. I actually started getting them before I even knew I was having anxiety. Even saw a doc about it...eyes were normal. But they would go blurry randomly, or fast moving objects bothered me.

I can completely understand new symptoms being scary, I feel that way every time.

It's just really freaking me out coupled with the chest pain and its only one eye. Weird

08-19-2013, 06:56 PM
Is it normal to happen all day long??

08-19-2013, 07:23 PM
Mine was periodically all day...just for a few seconds here or there. By enough to be annoying. But every person is different.

08-19-2013, 07:24 PM
Mine was periodically all day...just for a few seconds here or there. By enough to be annoying. But every person is different.

Yeah that's what mine keeps doing just random times throughout the day.

08-19-2013, 11:22 PM
Yes, I get the eye twitching and blurred/hard to focus vision problems. I even went toy eye doc when I was having this issue bcus I swore I must be going blind and checked out normal.

08-20-2013, 12:58 AM
I get awful visual disturbances - looks like everything is swishing by when I turn to look at things. Blurred vision and shaky vision

08-20-2013, 03:34 AM
Yes I get this to,I thought I was the only one lol we all must be normal then lol

08-20-2013, 04:37 AM
Last two days I've had blurred vision with constant tension/pressure in head. Also had burning legs and hands :-( this anxiety is getting me down !!

08-23-2013, 01:59 PM
Hi, in the last 2 years health anxiety has been the pits for me, believe me ive been through it! As well as other issues - Ive had twitching eyes, blurry vision, pulsing pain, throbbing pain, pressure on the eyes and behind, pain that comes up and around one eye then both eyes. Ive even had pins/needles on my face around my eyes and lips. Ive had eye tests and been to the hospital with it and and spoken to 4 different doctors and they all have said its anxiety, stress, worry etc. I take tablets and the pain doesnt go! Even when im not stressing out the pain doesnt go......If your eye is twitching, or pins-needles the hospital said that it is a Migraine. Pressure in the eyes and throbbing head is a tension headache.

So you need to be relaxed and then the pain will slowly go away. Sometimes it takes weeks before mine goes away.

Take care


08-23-2013, 04:36 PM
Hi, in the last 2 years health anxiety has been the pits for me, believe me ive been through it! As well as other issues - Ive had twitching eyes, blurry vision, pulsing pain, throbbing pain, pressure on the eyes and behind, pain that comes up and around one eye then both eyes. Ive even had pins/needles on my face around my eyes and lips. Ive had eye tests and been to the hospital with it and and spoken to 4 different doctors and they all have said its anxiety, stress, worry etc. I take tablets and the pain doesnt go! Even when im not stressing out the pain doesnt go......If your eye is twitching, or pins-needles the hospital said that it is a Migraine. Pressure in the eyes and throbbing head is a tension headache.

So you need to be relaxed and then the pain will slowly go away. Sometimes it takes weeks before mine goes away.

Take care


Had the same twitch for 2 weeks! It does go away. After that though my toes started to twitch. Finally going to the doc monday. I can't stop waking up anxious though like 24/7. I hope mine is just anxiety like yours.

08-23-2013, 08:31 PM
I am getting it for the last 15 years, checked up by doctors, different doctors. I get it after two or three stressed days and it last forever, at least it feels like forever....

08-23-2013, 09:10 PM
I'm having constant flashing with I move my eyes... I'm freaking

08-23-2013, 09:44 PM
I'm having constant flashing with I move my eyes... I'm freaking I think it is normal with anxiety, but maybe u should check it with the docs. Flashes u mean FLOATERS

SYMPTOM: Tiny dark shadows floating across the eyes.

CAUSE: Floaters are a normal part of everyone's vision and usually nothing to worry about, says Dr Blakeney.

'What you're actually seeing are shadows cast by rogue strands of collagen. These form part of the vitreous jelly which maintain the eye's shape, but they can pull free from the edge of the jelly and float harmlessly across the field of vision.

'It's still not known why this happens, though the problem is more common with age, as the jelly liquefies over time.' While the vast majority of us have just one or two floaters at any one time, others can have hundreds permanently drifting past.

TREATMENT: Floaters are harmless, but if they start to have a real impact on sight, they can be rectified with a vitrectomy. Normally performed under a general anaesthetic, this replaces the vitrous jelly with saline solution. Healthy jelly then grows back. Are flashing lights in the field of vision always indicative of eye problems?

No, flashing lights are not always ocular in origin. People experiencing a TIA (a transient ischemic attack, which may be an early warning sign of impending stroke) sometimes report flashing lights. Migraine headaches and other intracranial processes can also cause light flashes in the field of vision.

If you do see flashing lights, don’t be overly alarmed because they are quite common and often benign. But do see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out a retinal tear. He or she will want to you again in a few weeks for a follow-up visit.

08-23-2013, 10:01 PM
I think it is normal with anxiety, but maybe u should check it with the docs. Flashes u mean FLOATERS

SYMPTOM: Tiny dark shadows floating across the eyes.

CAUSE: Floaters are a normal part of everyone's vision and usually nothing to worry about, says Dr Blakeney.

'What you're actually seeing are shadows cast by rogue strands of collagen. These form part of the vitreous jelly which maintain the eye's shape, but they can pull free from the edge of the jelly and float harmlessly across the field of vision.

'It's still not known why this happens, though the problem is more common with age, as the jelly liquefies over time.' While the vast majority of us have just one or two floaters at any one time, others can have hundreds permanently drifting past.

TREATMENT: Floaters are harmless, but if they start to have a real impact on sight, they can be rectified with a vitrectomy. Normally performed under a general anaesthetic, this replaces the vitrous jelly with saline solution. Healthy jelly then grows back. Are flashing lights in the field of vision always indicative of eye problems?

No, flashing lights are not always ocular in origin. People experiencing a TIA (a transient ischemic attack, which may be an early warning sign of impending stroke) sometimes report flashing lights. Migraine headaches and other intracranial processes can also cause light flashes in the field of vision.

If you do see flashing lights, don’t be overly alarmed because they are quite common and often benign. But do see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out a retinal tear. He or she will want to you again in a few weeks for a follow-up visit.

These are most definitely flashes... when I turn my eyes I see them.. but only in one eye.. my right eye... dam this sucks

08-24-2013, 11:50 AM
When I get it, and I get it a lot, I close my eyes for a few minutes and try to relax. It usually helps, I had noticed that the awful light in office and staring on the screen does exaggerate it. I have been there and it is not pleasant, I hate it. I checked that with the doctors and they say that I should not worry. :)

08-24-2013, 11:51 PM
I have the vision problems only in my right eye. Started the end of June and has been off and on since then. By vision I mean blurry out of focus problems. I do get floaters too but the blurriness is what freaked me out more. I've relaxed about it though and it doesn't seem to happen as often when I'm not concerned with it.

08-25-2013, 08:16 AM
Exactly, I noticed also that I got it in one eye. I think it is anxiety is causing that it lasts forever. Relax , relax.