View Full Version : How long do doctors appoints last (first appt)

08-19-2013, 03:17 PM
I am suffering from severe anxiety even at home. It's been getting bad these past few months. I made my first appt. Last week have it on Monday. How long do you think a first appointment takes on average? What kind of stuff do you think they'll do? I am so nervous and panicky just about going. Any suggestions on how to chill before going or while im there?

08-19-2013, 03:35 PM
They will ask you your medical history, take blood and check your heart. I was crying in fear when I went but it was a lot less scary than I thought. You might also be put on meds to deal with them.
You will be fine!! :) Best wishes!

08-19-2013, 03:36 PM
Also, forgot to add this, but it only took me about 40 mins there.

08-19-2013, 03:48 PM
Also, forgot to add this, but it only took me about 40 mins there.

I hope so, my wife went to the same doc i am her first time was 3hrs! but It was mid day? I made mine for 9am. I am probably the most anxious person ever. I used to never get anxiety at home but now I do, I can't relax, I wake up in a panic and get dizzy all day, They are probably going to say i had a nervous breakdown and lock me up :( Do they tell you the blood results right there (ours has a lab and a friend had an hiv test done there and knew in minutes he was hiv free)

Im just a wreck be honest.

08-19-2013, 03:54 PM
It may depend on the doctor. My was pretty brief, but straight forward. I also had to wait for my blood test results two days in which I was nervously wrecked.
I want you to sit down, close your eyes and breathe in deep through your nose and out your mouth. Your appointment is just a safety measure. You are suffering from an anxiety which cannot hurt you. I know how scary it can be, I am not only anxious but have a fear of doctors. You are not alone in this.
Also, I strongly suggest you meditate. There are great videos on youtube that have some very effective meditation tracks. :)

08-19-2013, 03:55 PM
Also, anxiety is normal. You are NOT crazy. They won't lock you up. =] Promise

08-19-2013, 04:42 PM
Also, anxiety is normal. You are NOT crazy. They won't lock you up. =] Promise

It's weird though, i've always had anxiety but never at home so i knew it was anxiety. Got audited by the IRS for no reason and sued by a lady who hit my car in my own drive way all within the same week. Two weeks later i started getting really dizzy and it was hard to walk. I was anxious 24/7. I don't know if it s just the stress but i can't calm down at all. I'm waking up in the middle of the night and waking up shaking all throughout the day. I'm lightheaded and dizzy and it feels strange walking, hard to explain, almost like i dont have any circulation in my legs. Could it be all anxiety? or you think they might find something else.

08-20-2013, 02:38 AM
It is anxiety. I went through the same problems in my legs, etc. Anxiety is very tricky like that. It'll create a physical sensation which you will then focus on out of fear. What happens when you focus on something? It becomes stronger. So the sensation intensifies, making you believe something is wrong.

Also, about not panicking in one place: that is normal. You associate a place as being safe or unsafe and feel that way. With me I felt uncomfortable at my mom's house because of the memory of my neglectant and abusive father.